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. 2023 Jan 21;182(3):1403–1415. doi: 10.1007/s00431-023-04807-6

Table 4.

Association between sociodemographic and anthropometric characteristics, physical activity level, cardiovascular parameters, and other arterial stiffness indices with SBPc in obese children

Obese (n = 58) p-value
Sex Male 95.4 (7.7) 0.943 a
Female 95.6 (7.9)
Age (years) 0.500* d
Body mass index (kg/m2) 0.481* d
Waist-to-height ratio 0.263* d
Body fat (%) 0.402* d
IPAQc High activity (n = 15) 29.93 (3.75) 0.177 b
Moderate activity (n = 22) 32.83 (5.43)
Low activity (n = 21) 30.97 (4.66)
Peripheral vascular parameters
SBPp (mmHg) 0.923* d
Stiffness parameters
AIx@75 (%) 0.391* d
PWV (m/s) 0.927* d
Augmentation pressure (mmHg) 0.269* c
Reflection coefficient 0.369* d
Pulse pressure amplification −0.158* c
Parâmteros hemodinâmicos
Total vascular resistance (s*mmHg/ml) 0.427* d
Cardiac index (l/min/m2) −0.328* d

BMI body mass index, IPAQs International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short form, pPP peripheral pulse pressure, pSBP peripheral systolic blood pressure, AIx@75 augumentation index normalized to heart rate of 75 bpm, PWV pulse wave velocity

*Significant comparison (p < 0.05)

aStudent T test

bOne way ANOVA

cSpearman’s correlation

dPearson’s correlation