F508del CFTR protein expression is increased in USG media, with similar VX-809-induced rescue of C Band in all media. Immunoblot for CFTR was performed and quantified for untreated and VX-809-treated F508del CFTR-expressing CFBE41o- cells (A). Densitometry was calculated relative to C4 actin and presented for Band B (immature) (B) and Band C (glycosylated) (C). The fraction of glycosylated wtCFTR protein (Band C/[Band C + Band B]) is quantified in (D). Light grey bars—vehicle; dark grey bars—VX-809. For each within-media-vehicle- and VX-809-treated pair (e.g., MEM with/without VX-809), comparisons by 2-tailed T test are presented above the relevant paired bars. Comparisons across media within treatment categories (e.g., MEM, USG, PC, and ALI treated with vehicle) were conducted by one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons correction, noting significant differences against MEM via asterisk(s) above the individual data bar. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; NS: Not Significant.