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. 2022 Dec 23;13(1):28. doi: 10.3390/metabo13010028

Table 2.

General characteristics of included studies.

Author, Year Setting Study Group (F/M); Age Control Group (F/M); Age Oncological Diagnosis Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria TNM Stages
Bel’skaya & Sarf, 2022 [36] Russia 355 (355/0); 30–39: 34 (9.6%), 40–49: 68 (19.2%), 50–59: 117 (33.0%), 60–69: 105 (29.6%), >70: 31 (8.6%) breast cancer diagnosis of primary resectable BC NR pT1–133 (37.5%), pT2–172 (48.5%), pT3–50 (14.0%); pN0–245 (69.0%), pN1–110 (31.0%)
Bel’skaya et al., 2022 [37] Russia 487 (487/0); 54.5 (47.0–56.0) 298 (298/0); 49.3 (43.8–56.1) breast cancer histologically diagnosed with BC; age 30–70 years; absence of any treatment at the time of the study; absence of signs of active infection (including purulent processes); good oral hygiene; absence of untreated dental caries and periodontal disease; absence of clinically significant concomitant diseases other than cancer pathology (in particular, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular pathologies, etc.) any prior treatment, including hormone therapy, chemotherapy, molecularly targeted therapy, radiotherapy, surgery; lack of histological verification of the diagnosis I–119 (24.4%), IIA–123 (25.3%), IIB–88 (18.1%), IIIA–55 (11.3%), IIIB–47 (9.6%), IV–55 (11.3%)
Cavaco et al., 2018 [38] Portugal, India Portugal: 36 (36/0); range: 39–73; India: 30 (30/0); range: 25–76 Portugal: 16 (16/0); range: 18–63, India: 24 (24/0); range: 23–65 breast cancer NR NR NR
Murata et al., 2019 [39] Japan IC: 101 (101/0); 54 (34–89); DCIS: 23 (23/0); 49 (39–80) 42 (42/0); 51 (23–80) breast cancer histologically diagnosed with BC any prior treatment, including hormone therapy, chemotherapy, molecularly targeted therapy, radiotherapy, surgery, or alternative therapy; Ctrl: absence of history of any cancer 0–23 (DCIS), IC: I–44 (45.4%), II– 46 (47.4%), III–5 (5.1%), IV–2 (2.1%)
Ragusa et al., 2021 [40] Italy BC: 38 (38/0); 54.2 ± 13.0; LC: 30 (8/22); 69.8 ± 10.3 34 (18/16); 46.2 ± 10.8 breast cancer, lung cancer age > 18 years; BMI of about 25–26 kg/m2; established clinical diagnosis of either BC or LC (including mesothelioma) pregnancy; previous history of other malignancies; in the terminal stage (expected less than 4 weeks old); conditions that might have potentially interfer from a metabolic point of view; simultaneous liver cirrhosis, gastric ulcers, diabetes mellitus, periodontitis NR
Sugimoto et al., 2010 [41] U.S.A. BC: 30 (30/0); 57 (29–77); PC: 18 (NR); 67 (11–87) 87 (27/42, 18 missing); 43 (20–75) breast cancer, pancreatic cancer diagnosed with primary disease without metastasis prior chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery or alternative therapy, history of prior malignancy, immunodeficiency, autoimmune disorders, hepatitis or HIV infection NR
Takayama et al., 2016 [42] Japan 111 (NR); range: 36–90 61 (NR) breast cancer NR NR 0–16 (14.4%), I–50 (45.0%), IIA–32 (28.8%), IIB–10 (9.0%), IIIA–1 (0.9%), unknown–2 (1.8%)
Xavier Assad et al., 2020 [43] Brazil 23 (23/0); 47.52 ± 9.79 35 (35/0); 42.00 ± 13.83 breast cancer not pregnant or lactating; no active oral/dental disease; no prior neoplasia, except for non-melanomatous skin cancers, cervical carcinoma in situ, or benign tumors (e.g., adenomas); no impaired renal function, congestive heart failure, or active infection (e.g., hepatitis and HIV); histopathological diagnosis of BC; Ctrl: normal clinical and imaging findings Ctrl: abnormal imaging or clinical findings; history of cancer treatment I–2 (8.7%), II–12 (52.2%), III–5 (21.7%), IV–4 (17.4%)
Zhong et al., 2016 [44] China 30 (30/0); 53 (32–79) 25 (25/0); NR breast cancer diagnosis of BC based on clinical and histopathological criteria; Ctrl: no history of malignancy or relevant breast diseases History of receiving surgical operation and medication, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or alternative therapy I–7 (23.3%), II–14 (46.7%), III–8 (26.7%), IV–1 (3.3%)
Asai et al., 2018 [45] Japan PC: 39 (18/21); 66.1 ± 9.86 Ctrl: 26 (13/13); 50.8 ± 16.4; CP: 14 (3/11); 51.1 ± 12.4 pancreatic cancer histologically diagnosed with PC prior treatment in the form of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, or alternative therapy; prior malignancy III–6 (15.4%), IVA–12 (30.8%), IVB–21 (53.8%)
Chen et al., 2018 [46] China EGC: 20 (7/13); 60 ± 8.6; AGC: 84 (34/50); 53 ± 9 116 (49/67); 35.0 ± 10.0 gastric cancer clinical diagnosis of GC diagnosis of other malignancies; metabolic diseases (mainly including diabetes) EGC: stage I and II, defined as that the tumour invasion confined to the mucosa or submucosa; AGC: stage III and IV, defined as that the tumour invading into the muscularis propria or deeper gastric wall
Bel’skaya et al., 2020 [47] Russia GC: 11 (3/8); 56.8 ± 5.5; CRC: 18 (7/11); 58.2 ± 3.8 16 (6/10); 57.1 ± 6.4 gastric cancer, colorectal cancer age 30–70 years; the absence of signs of active infection (including purulent processes); absence of clinically significant concomitant diseases other than cancer pathology (in particular, diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies); good oral hygiene any treatment at the time of the study, including surgery, chemotherapy or radiation; lack of histological verification of the diagnosis GC: IIA–4 (36.4%), IIIA–2 (18.2%), IIIB–3 (27.3%), IV–2 (18.2%); CRC: I–2 (11.0%), IIB–3 (16.7%), IIC–5 (27.8%), IIIC–3 (16.7%), IV–5 (27.8%)
Kuwabara et al., 2022 [48] Japan training data: CRC: 117 (53/64); 67.42 ± 11.24; validation data: CRC: 118 (52/66); 69.63 ± 12.14 Ctrl: training data: 1159 (841/318); 45.65 ± 10.15; validation data: 1158 (820/338); 45.19 ± 10.10; AD: training data: 25 (4/21); 66.30 ± 11.07; validation data: 25 (5/20); 61.81 ± 10.40 colorectal cancer histopathological diagnosis of CRC prior treatment in the form of chemotherapy; chronic metabolic diseases, e.g., diabetes; histopathological diagnosis of all other types of cancer (adenosquamous cell carcinoma, endocrine carcinoma, lymphoma, etc.) training data: 0–2, I–30, II (N1)–36, II (N2)–25, III–14, IVa–10; validation data: 0–2, I–31, II (N1)–36, II (N2)–25, III–14, IVa–10
Hershberger et al., 2021 [49] U.S.A. 37 (7/30); 67.3 (44–94) Crtl: 43 (16/27); 57.6 (36–77); cirrhosis: 30 (18/12); 58 (33–80) hepatocellular carcinoma age > 18 years; liver transplantation for HCC or cirrhosis; surgical resection for HCC or liver biopsy with confirmed cirrhosis and/or HCC; Ctrl: patients attending treatment for hernia with no history of liver disease or liver cancer NR NR
Bel’skaya et al., 2021 [50] Russia LC: 392 (85/244): ADC: 189 (60/129); 61.0 (56.0–65.0), SCC: 135 (7/128); 59.0 (55.0–66.5), NEC: 68 (18/50); 55.0 (52.0–60.0) - lung cancer age 30–75 years; histological verification of the diagnosis any treatment at the time of inclusion in the study, including surgery, chemotherapy or radiation ADC: IA–16 (8.5%), IB–52 (27.5%), IIA + B–23 (12.2%), IIIA–25 (13.2%), IIIB–17 (9.0%), IV–56 (29.6%); SCC: IA–3 (2.2%), IB–28 (20.7%), IIA + B–19 (14.1%), IIIA–34 (25.2%), IIIB–24 (17.8%), IV–27 (20.0%); NEC: IA–5 (7.4%), IB–10 (14.7%), IIA + B–6 (8.8%), IIIA–10 (14.7%), IIIB–17 (25.0%), IV–20 (29.4%)
Jiang et al., 2021 [51] China ELC: discovery set: 45 (29/16); 57.8 (13.4); validation set: 44 (29/15); 55.3 (10.9); ALC: 11 (4/7); 70.2 (6.9) discovery set: 25 (15/10); 52.9 (12.3); validation set: 25 (16/9); 57.3 (15.8) lung cancer NR NR I–89 (ELC), III–1 and IV–10 (ALC)
Takamori et al., 2022 [52] Japan 42 (14/28); 63 (39–86) BLL: 21 (6/15); 62 (43–86) lung cancer confirmation of clinical or pathological diagnosis; consulted a dental surgeon before lung surgery; underwent PET/CT for LC history of malignancy; prior treatment in the form of chemotherapy or radiotherapy at the time of pathological and clinical diagnosis I–31 (73.8%), II–4 (9.5%), III–4 (9.5%), IV–3 (7.2%)
Zhang et al., 2021 [53] China 61 (44/17); 44 ± 11 61 (42/19); NR papillary thyroid cancer newly diagnosed with PTC; no history of malignancy and immunodeficiency disease; normal thyroid gland function prior treatment in the form of surgery, long-term chemotherapy, radiation, and drug therapy NR
García-Villaescusa et al., 2018 [54] Spain 10 (9/1); 54.7 (26–78) 120 (71/49); 51.8 (19–81) glioblastoma age ≥ 18 years; diagnosis of glioblastoma; at least eight teeth Ctrl: antibiotics intake in the past six months; fewer than eight teeth (excluding third molars); pregnancy; presenting cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, chronic kidney disease, metabolic syndrome, obesity and Alzheimer’s disease NR

U.S.A., the United States of America; F, female; M, male; -, not applicable; NR, not reported; Ctrl, control group; BC, breast cancer; IC, invasive carcinoma of the breast; DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ; PC, pancreatic cancer; CP, chronic pancreatitis; GC, gastric cancer; EGC, early gastric cancer; AGC, advanced gastric cancer; CRC, colorectal cancer; AD, adenoma; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; LC, lung cancer; ADC, adenocarcinoma; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma; NEC, neuroendocrine cancer; ELC, early lung cancer; ALC, advanced lung cancer; BLL, benign lung lesion; PTC, papillary thyroid carcinoma; BMI, body mass index; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; PET/CT, positron emission tomography/computed tomography.