Figure 1.
Mt10 vaccinated mice are protected from type 1 diabetes in challenge studies. (a) Experimental design. Groups of mice were given saline or were vaccinated with the Mt10 vaccine on days 0 and 14. After 7 days, CVB4 was administered to one group from each treatment. Experiments were terminated on day 56, and tissues were collected for histologic analysis. Serum was collected on days 0, 14, 21, and day 56 at termination. (b) Clinical phenotypes. Body weights (left panel) and survival rates (right panel) of different groups are shown. Generalized least square model was used to compare body weight changes in the saline, vaccine, and vaccine/challenged groups relative to the CVB4 group; log-rank test with Bonferroni correction was used to compare survival curves. (c) Histopathology. Pancreata preserved in 10% phosphate buffered formalin from the indicated groups were processed routinely and H. and E.-stained sections were evaluated for insulitis and other changes. Representative pancreatic sections are shown. Sections from the CVB4 group show destruction of islets of Langerhans and fatty tissue replacement whereas the samples from the saline and Mt10/CVB4-challenged groups shown are essentially normal. The Mt10 sample shows peri-insulitis and insulitis. Magnification, 20×; scale bar = 100 µm, applies to all panels. Data obtained from each group involve 5–10 mice.