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. 2023 Jan 4;24(2):959. doi: 10.3390/ijms24020959

Table 2.

Comparisons between HCs, AIHp and PBCp. For each pairwise comparison, two columns are reported: the first column shows the Mann—Whitney significant p-values, highlighted by color tones ranging from yellow to red; the second column shows the direction of the change. The last column on the right shows the results of the ANOVA-analogue nonparametric Kruskal—Wallis test.

Components HCs vs. AIHp HCs vs. PBCp AIHp vs. PBCp AIHp vs. PBCp vs. HCs
N Description Mann—Whitney Mann—Whitney Mann—Whitney Kruskal—Wallis
p-Value Change p-Value Change p-Value Change p-Value
1 S100A12 <0.05 PBC > AIH <0.05
2 S100A8
3 S100A7D27 <0.05 PBC > AIH <0.01
4 S100A9_short
5 S100A9_short_ox <0.05 C > PBC <0.05
6 S100A9_short_P <0.05
7 S100A9_short_P_ox
8 Sum_S100A9_short_and_ox
9 Sum_S100A9_s_and_s_P
10 Sum_S100A9_s_P_and_P_ox
11 Sum_S100A9_s_ox_and_P_ox <0.05 C > PBC <0.05
12 Sum_S100A9_short <0.05 C > PBC
13 S100A9_long_g
14 S100A9_long_g_p
15 S100A9_long_g_ox <0.05
16 Sum_S100A9_long_g
17 Cystatin_A <0.05 AIH > C <0.05 AIH > PBC <0.05
18 Cystatin_A_Acetyl
19 Cystatin_A_Acetyl_T96L
20 Sum_Cystatin_A <0.05 AIH > C
21 Cystatin_B_S_glut
22 Cystatin_B_S_cyst
23 Cystatin_B_SSdimer
24 Cystatin_B_S_CMC
25 Sum_Cystatin_B
26 Cystatin_C <0.05 PBC > C <0.01
27 Cystatin_D_des_1_5
28 Cystatin_S
29 Cystatin_S1 <0.001 PBC > C <0.01 PBC > AIH <0.001
30 Cystatin_S2 <0.0001 PBC > C <0.01 PBC > AIH <0.0001
31 Cystatin_SN <0.01 PBC > C <0.05 PBC > AIH <0.05
32 Cystatin_SN_des_1_4
33 Cystatin_SA
34 Cystatin_S1_ox <0.001 AIH > C <0.01
35 Cystatin_S2_ox
36 Cystatin_SN_ox
37 Sum_Cystatin_S1 <0.0001 PBC > C <0.01 PBC > AIH <0.0001
38 Sum_Cystatin_S2 <0.0001 PBC > C <0.01 PBC > AIH <0.0001
39 Sum_Cystatin_S_S1_S2 <0.0001 PBC > C <0.001 PBC > AIH <0.0001
40 Sum_Cystatin_SN <0.01 PBC > C <0.05
41 Sum_Cystatin_SA
42 Hst_1
43 Hst_1_0P
44 Sum_Hst_1
45 Hst_6 <0.01 AIH > C <0.05 AIH > PBC
46 Hst_5 <0.05 AIH > C <0.05 AIH > PBC <0.05
47 Hst_3 <0.05 AIH > C <0.01 AIH > PBC <0.01
48 Sum_Hst_3 <0.01 AIH > C <0.05 AIH > PBC <0.05
49 Sum_Hst <0.05 AIH > C <0.05
50 α_defensin_1
51 α_defensin_2
52 α_defensin_3
53 α_defensin_4
54 Sum_α_defensins
55 PRP1_2P <0.05 AIH > PBC
56 PRP1_1P
57 PRP1_0P
58 PRP1_3P <0.01 PBC > C <0.05
59 Sum_PRP1 <0.05 AIH > PBC
60 PRP3_2P
61 PRP3_1P <0.05 C > PBC <0.05 AIH > PBC <0.05
62 PRP3_0P
63 PRP_3_diphos_Des_Arg106 <0.05 PBC > AIH <0.05
64 Sum_PRP3
65 P_C_peptide
66 Statherin_2P <0.05 AIH > C
67 Statherin_1P <0.05 AIH > C <0.05 AIH > PBC
68 Statherin_0P
69 Sum_Statherin <0.05 AIH > C
70 PB_peptide <0.01 AIH > PBC <0.05
71 SLPI <0.05 PBC > C <0.05