Table 1.
Baseline characteristics of patients with and without second primary cancer (SPC) following primary oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) diagnosed in eastern Denmark during the period 2000–2020.
Total | SPC- (n = 2267, 87.7%) |
SPC+ (n = 317, 12.3%) |
p-Value * | ||||
Median age at diagnosis, (range) years | 61 | (30–92) | 60 | (30–92) | 64 | (37–86) | <0.001 * |
Sex, n (%) Female Male |
2584 697 1887 |
(100%) (27.0%) (73.0%) |
609 1658 |
(26.9%) (73.1%) |
88 229 |
(27.8%) (72.2%) |
0.736 |
UICC8 T-classification, n (%) 1 2 3 4 |
2575a 635 1065 529 346 |
(100%) (24.7%) (41.4%) (20.5%) (13.4%) |
559 926 468 306 |
(24.7%) (41.0%) (20.7%) (13.5%) |
76 139 61 40 |
(24.1%) (44.0%) (19.3%) (12.7%) |
0.896 |
UICC8 N-classification, n (%) 0 1 2 3 |
2584 589 1306 580 109 |
(100%) (22.8%) (50.5%) (22.4%) (4.2%) |
488 1161 522 96 |
(21.5%) (51.2%) (23.0%) (4.2%) |
101 145 58 13 |
(31.9%) (45.7%) (18.3%) (4.1%) |
<0.001 * |
UICC8 M-classification, n (%) 0 1 |
2569a 2551 18 |
(100%) (99.3%) (0.7%) |
2237 16 |
(99.3%) (0.7%) |
314 2 |
(99.4%) (0.6%) |
1.000 |
UICC8 Stage, n (%) I II III IV |
2518a 1127 489 427 475 |
(100%) (44.8%) (19.4%) (17.0%) (18.9%) |
1006 414 371 415 |
(45.6%) (18.8%) (16.8%) (18.8%) |
121 75 56 60 |
(38.8%) (24.0%) (17.9%) (19.2%) |
0.077 |
Alcohol consumption **, n (%) No abuse Previous or current abuse |
2583a 1059 1524 |
(100%) (41.0%) (59.0%) |
951 1315 |
(42.0%) (58.0%) |
108 209 |
(34.1%) (65.9%) |
0.007 * |
Smoking status, n (%) Never smoker Former smoker Current smoker |
2555a 566 1001 988 |
(100%) (22.2%) (39.2%) (38.7%) |
513 862 867 |
(22.9%) (38.4%) (38.7%) |
53 139 121 |
(16.9%) (44.4%) (38.7%) |
0.032 * |
Histopathological type, n (%) Non-keratinizing Keratinizing/hybrid/other |
2514a 1378 1136 |
(100%) (54.8%) (45.2%) |
1240 966 |
(56.2%) (43.8%) |
138 170 |
(44.8%) (55.2%) |
0.002 * |
HPV status (HPV DNA/p16), n (%) HPV-negative HPV-positive |
2584 1052 1532 |
(100%) (40.7%) (59.3%) |
892 1375 |
(39.3%) (60.7%) |
160 157 |
(50.5%) (49.5%) |
<0.001 * |
Primary tumour location, n (%) Palatine tonsils Base of tongue Other |
2584 1308 762 514 |
(100%) (50.6%) (29.5%) (19.9%) |
1149 688 430 |
(50.7%) (30.3%) (19.0%) |
159 74 84 |
(50.2%) (23.3%) (26.5%) |
0.002 * |
Performance score, n (%) 0 1–4 |
2248a 1697 551 |
(100%) (75.5%) (24.5%) |
1499 475 |
(75.9%) (24.1%) |
198 76 |
(72.3%) (27.7%) |
0.211 |
Prior cancer, n (%) No Yes |
2575a 2308 267 |
(100%) (89.6%) (10.4%) |
2035 226 |
(90.0%) (10.0%) |
273 41 |
(86.9%) (13.1%) |
0.095 |
Chemotherapy type, n (%) Cisplatin Other *** |
1194b 1094 100 |
(100%) (91.6%) (8.4%) |
986 94 |
(91.3%) (8.7%) |
108 6 |
(94.7%) (5.3%) |
0.207 |
Factors significantly different in patients with and without SPC were age, UICC8 N-stage, alcohol consumption, smoking status, carcinoma type, HPV status, and primary tumour localization.Abbreviations: SPC, second primary malignancy; SPC-, patients without a SPC; SPC+, patients with a SPC; HPV, human papillomavirus; UICC8, Union for International Cancer Control eighth edition; HPV status (HPV DNA and p16), only double positive counts for HPV-positive. * Statistical significance. The Pearson’s chi2 test was used for statistical significance for the categorical variables. t-test was used for significance on the age variable and Fisher’s test for UICC8 M-classification. ** Female: alcohol abuse is defined as >7 units per week. Male: alcohol abuse is defined as >14 units per week. *** Carboplatin, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors, cisplatin + EGFR inhibitors, or “other”. a The total number of cases differs due to unavailable data per variable. b Total number of patients who received chemotherapy.