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. 2022 Dec 28;59(1):69. doi: 10.3390/medicina59010069

Table 3.

Results of confirmatory factor analysis: standardized factor loadings in the single-factor (37 items) and four-factor (34 items) solution of the OHIP-LT.

Factor Name and Item Standardized Factor Loadings
Single-Factor Solution Four-Factor Solution
Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4
Factor 1. Psychosocial Impact
V34 Upset 0.78 0.83
V22 Uncomfortable about appearance 0.76 0.90
V20 Self-conscious 0.77 0.88
V21 Miserable 0.83 0.91
V36 Depressed 0.80 0.82
V38 Been embarrassed 0.77 0.80
V23 Tense 0.76 0.81
V35 Difficult to relax 0.84 0.81
V19 Worried 0.69 0.73
V31 Avoid smiling 0.71 0.73
V46 Unable to enjoy people’s company 0.68 0.67
V47 Life unsatisfying 0.82 0.50 0.48
V4 Appearance affected 0.63 0.62
V45 Financial loss * 0.50
Factor 2. Functional Limitations
V49 Unable to work 0.47 0.67
V48 Unable to function # 0.49
V43 Difficulty doing job 0.59 0.75
V40 Less tolerant of others # 0.54
V39 Avoiding going out 0.55 0.70
V37 Concentration affected 0.68 0.27 0.57
V42 Irritable with others 0.60 0.80
V32 Interrupt meals 0.57 0.43 0.44
V3 Noticed tooth doesn’t look right # x
V29 Diet unsatisfactory * 0.40
V28 Avoid eating * 0.48
V33 Sleep interrupted * 0.44
V41 Trouble getting on with others * 0.63
V11 Sore jaw # *
V7 Food catching # *
Factor 3. Orofacial Pain
V13 Sensitive teeth # 0.61
V14 Toothache # 0.65
V17 Sore spots 0.38 0.69
V12 Headaches 0.47 0.55
V15 Painful gums 0.48 0.71
V10 Painful aching # 0.57
V44 Health worsened 0.61 0.29 0.56
V16 Uncomfortable to eat 0.56 0.65
V1 Difficulty chewing * 0.44
V5 Breath stale # *
V8 Digestion worse * 0.51
V26 Less flavour in food * 0.51
Factor 4. Speech Limitations
V2 Trouble pronouncing words # 0.51
V24 Speech unclear 0.60 0.98
V25 Others misunderstood 0.54 0.17 0.70
V27 Unable to brush teeth # 0.46

Notes: Estimation method: Maximum Likelihood; # Items with loading <0.50 in the EFA single-factor solution; * Items with all loadings <0.50 in the EFA four-factor solution; OHIP-LT: Oral Health Impact Profile, Lithuanian version.