Figure 1.
Distribution of B. gasipaes through Central and South America (adapted from Clement et al. [18] and Hernández-Ugalde et al. [20]). The dashed lines comprehend the four main complexes: I. Occidental group: composed of representants of var. chichagui (Upala, Azuero, Daríen, Chontila, and Chinamato) and var. gasipaes (Utilis landrace); II. Maracaibo group: comprehending B. caribaea and B. macana (outgroups); III. Upper Amazonia: composed of Caquetá, Putumayo (Yurimaguas population), Vaupés, Inirida, Ayacucho, Pastaza, Tigre, and Juruá landraces; IV. Eastern Amazonia: Pará and Tembé landraces, and var. chichagui Acre and Xingú.