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. 2023 Jan 9;9:1111919. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.1111919

Table 1.

The highest nucleotide sequence identities between GDJM1 and other known RVA strains.

Gene Closely related strains nt (%) Genotype Accession no.
VP7 RVA/Pig-tc/CHN/GXqz-2/2012/G9 95.65 G9 JX498942.1
VP4 RVA/Human-wt/VNM/NT0073/2007/G9P[19] 91.83 P[19] DQ887060.2
VP6 RVA/Simian-wt/KNA/08979/2015/G5P[X] 97.14 I5 KY053147.1
VP1 RVA/Human-wt/CHN/GX54/2010/G4P[6] 96.13 R1 KF041441.1
VP2 RVA/Human-wt/LKA/R1207/2009/G4P[6] 96.30 C1 LC389886.1
VP3 RVA/Human-wt/VNM/16020_7/VP3 96.45 M1 KX362691.1
NSP1 RVA/Human-wt/VNM/NT0077/2007/G4P[6] 95.63 A8 LC095916.1
NSP2 RVA/Hu-wt/RUS/Novosibirsk/Nov11-N2687/2011/G4P[6] 93.02 N1 KC020033.1
NSP3 RVA/Human-wt/ZMB/UFS-NGS-MRC-DPRU4723/2014/G5P[6] 96.69 T1 MT271033.1
NSP4 RVA/WildBoar-wt/CZE/P828/2015 97.27 E1 MK283698.1
NSP5 RVA/Pig-wt/VNM/12129_48/NSP5 98.55 H1 KX363314.1