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. 2023 Jan 23;9(1):00308-2022. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00308-2022


Spirometry results sorted by visit (n=20)

Visit FEV1 baseline# FEV1
after IB
after CLE
FVC baseline FVC
after IB
after CLE
Day of EILO diagnosis 3.56±0.64 - - 4.06±0.76 - -
Day without IB 3.53±0.61 - 3.52±0.62 4.07±0.75 - 3.94±0.78
Day with IB 3.58±0.62 3.64±0.65 3.65±0.70 4.12±0.75 4.07±0.79 4.02±0.78

Data are presented as mean±sd. CLE: continuous laryngoscopy exercise; IB: ipratropium bromide; EILO: exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction. All FEV1 values are litres during first second of forced expiration. All FVC are total forced vital capacity. #: at the day of inclusion, only baseline spirometry was performed; an additional spirometry was performed 20 min after receiving IB before the CLE test.