Calculation of ΔGternary(sterics) by alchemical perturbation of BTK in
the ternary complex of BTK-PROTAC
(10)-CRBN. (a) TI and MBAR both reach apparent convergence in the
time-forward and time-reversed directions with no pathological signs.
The gray band in each panel represents the final estimation using
100% data ± 0.1 kT as a threshold for error
tolerance, where k is the Boltzmann constant. (b)
TI estimation is shown as the blue area under the curve of ⟨∂U/∂λ⟩. (c)
TI, BAR, and MBAR agree for all intermediate ΔGs between adjacent states. All error bars of computational results
here and in subsequent figures represent ±1 std. Color coding
for TI, BAR, and MBAR results are the same in subsequent figures unless
otherwise stated.