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. 2022 Nov 9;5(1):54–71. doi: 10.1016/j.cjco.2022.10.008

Table 1.

Characteristics of RCTs implementing a physical activity program in postmenopausal women

Study Participant characteristics Intervention characteristics
N Age (y), mean (SD) or range of groups Inclusion criteria Activity Frequency, d/wk Intensity Duration, min Length Co-intervention/ control group Hormone(s) studied
Aerobic exercise
Campbell et al.54 (2012) USA 439 from the “New” RCT PA: 58 (5)
Diet + PA: 58 (5)
Diet: 58 (6)
C: 57 (4)
Healthy, BMI > 25, < 100 min/wk PA PMWs, aged 50-75 y Supervised + at-home aerobic exercise (n = 117) 5 (3 onsite, 2 at home) Moderate- to-vigorous: 70%–85% HRMax or 4+ METS ≥ 45 12 mo Diet + PA (n = 117)
Diet: caloric restriction (n = 118)
C: MUA (n = 87)
Testosterone (free, total)
Friedenreich et al.56 (2010) Canada 320 PA: 61 (5)
C: 60 (5)
Healthy, BMI 22-40
<120 min/wk PA, PMWs aged 50-74 y
Supervised + at-home aerobic exercise (n = 160) 5 (3 onsite, 2 at home) 70%–80% HRR ≥ 45 12 mo C: MUA (n = 160) Androstenedione
Testosterone (free, total)
Friedenreich et al.55 (2015) Canada 400 from the "BETA" trial Moderate: 60 (5)
High: 59 (5)
Healthy, BMI 22-40, <120 min/wk PA, PMWs aged 50-74 y Supervised + at-home aerobic exercise 5 (3 onsite, 2 at home) 60%–80%
Moderate group: 30 (n = 200)
High group: 60 (n = 200)
12 mo No C SHBG
Kim & Kim58 (2012) South Korea 30 Total: 55 (3) Healthy, BF > 32%, < 40 min/wk PA, PMWs Supervised aerobic dance (n = 15) 3 55%–80%
60 16 wk C: MUA (n = 15) SHBG
McTiernan et al.59 (2004) USA 173 PA: 61 (7)
C: 61 (7)
Healthy, BMI ≥ 24, < 60 min/wk PA, PMWs aged 50-79 y Supervised + at-home aerobic exercise (n = 87) 5 60%–75%
45 12 mo C: stretching exercises (1x/wk for 45 min)
(n = 86)
Testosterone (free, total)
Yoo et al.67 (2010) South Korea 21 PA: 70 (2)
C: 71 (2)
Healthy PMWs, aged > 65 y Supervised walking with ankle weights (1 kg) (n = 11) 3 60% HRR 60 12 wk C: MUA (n = 10) Testosterone (total)
Resistance training
Copeland et al.66 (2004) Canada 16 PA: 53 (5)
C: 54 (6)
Healthy, sedentary PMWs aged > 50 y Supervised resistance training (n = 8) 3 10RM NR 12 wk C: unsupervised flexibility exercises 3 d/wk (n = 8) DHEA
Testosterone (total)
Figueroa et al.53 (2003) USA 74 PA: 57 (1)
C: 57 (1)
Healthy, sedentary PMWs aged 40-65 y Supervised resistance training (n = 24) 3 70%–80 %
60–75 12 mo C: MUA (n = 28) Androstenedione
Nunes et al.61 (2019) Brazil 34 Low: 64 (NR)
High: 60 (NR)
C: 59 (NR)
Healthy, sedentary PMWs aged 49-79 y Resistance training:
Low-volume (3 sets) (n = 10); high-volume (6 sets) (n = 12)
3 70% 1RM Low-volume: ∼45
High-volume: ∼90
16 wk C: stretching exercises 2x/wk (n = 12) DHEA-S
Testosterone (total)
Orsatti et al.62 (2008) Brazil 43 PA: 58 (8)
C: 59 (6)
Healthy, sedentary PMWs aged 45-70 y Supervised resistance training (n = 22) 3 60%–80% 1RM 50–60 16 wk C: MUA (n = 21) Total testosterone
Son et al.63 (2020) South Korea 20 PA: 68 (1)
C: 67 (1)
Healthy, sedentary, Stage 1 HTN PMWs Supervised resistance band training (n = 10) 3 Increased progressively: 40%–50% to 60%–80% 1RM 60 12 wk C: supervised sedentary activities (n = 10) DHEA-S
Ward et al.65 (2020) Sweden 55 PA: 58 (5)
C: 55 (5)
Healthy, sedentary (< 75 min/wk MVPA) PMWs with vasomotor symptoms Supervised and at-home resistance training (n = 26) 3 8RM NR 15wk C: remain sedentary (n = 29) Testosterone
Combined aerobic and resistance training
Gonzalo-Encabo et al.57 (2020) Spain 35 Median
Endurance: 56
C: 57
Healthy, BMI > 25, < 150 min/wk PA, PMWs aged 50-65 y Supervised endurance (n = 10) or endurance + resistance (n = 13) training 3 Endurance: 55%–75% HRR
Resistance: 65% 1RM
Endurance: 60 of aerobic
Concurrent: 20 aerobic + resistance exercises
12 wk C: MUA (n = 12) DHEA-S
Testosterone (free, total)
Monninkhof et al.60 (2009) The Netherlands 189 from the "SHAPE" study PA: 59 (5)
C: 58 (4)
Healthy, BMI > 22, < 120 min/wk PA, PMWs aged 50-69 y Supervised or at-home aerobic + resistance training (n = 96) Supervised: 2
At home: 1
MVPA Supervised: 60
At home: 30
12 mo C: MUA (n = 93) Androstenedione
Testosterone (free, total)
van Gemert et al.64 (2015) The Netherlands 243 from the "SHAPE-2" trial PA: 59 (4)
Diet: 60 (5)
C: 60 (5)
Healthy, < 120 min/wk PA, BMI 25-35, PMWs aged 50-69 y Supervised resistance + endurance training sessions, Nordic walking (n = 98) 2 combined resistance + endurance training,
2 Nordic walking
Target HRR increased progressively. Resistance:
Endurance: 60%–90% HRR
Nordic: 60%–65% HRR
60 16 wk Diet only: restriction to 3500 kcal/wk + nutrition education group sessions (5x total, 1 h) (n = 97)
C: complete food diaries and usual activities (n = 48)
Testosterone (free, total)

BETA, Breast Cancer and Exercise Trial in Alberta; BF, body fat; BMI, body mass index; C, control; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; DHEA-S, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate; HRmax, heart rate maximum; HRR, heart rate reserve; HTN, hypertension; METS, metabolic equivalents of task; MUA, maintain usual activities; MVPA, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity; NR, not reported; PA, physical activity; PMW, postmenopausal women; RCT, randomized controlled trials; RM, repetition maximum; SD, standard deviation; SHAPE, Sex Hormones and Physical Exercise; SHBG, sex hormone–binding globulin.