Imaging techniques include traditional 3D rendering (A), colour Doppler (B), and 3D imaging approaches such as GlassVue (C) and TrueVue (D). The mitral valve area is measured at the beginning of the procedure to refine device selection and plan the treatment strategy (E). The transseptal puncture is performed starting from a bicaval view using an X-plane to localise and adjust the position of the needle tip in the antero-posterior plane (F). Fusion imaging is useful during catheter steering towards the mitral plane (G, H). Valve crossing and grasping is usually performed on an intercommissural view using an X-plane (I). A2: middle scallop of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve; ant: anterior; Ao: aorta; inf: inferior; LA: left atrium; lat: lateral; LV: left ventricle; LVOT: left ventricular outflow tract; med: medial; P1, P2, P3: lateral, middle, and medial scallops of the posterior leaflet of the mitral valve; post: posterior; RA: right atrium; sup: superior