Key Questions
How can community perspectives remain forefront in intervention development? |
Engage stakeholders (e.g., patients, physicians, social workers) in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the intervention. Consider community leadership and/or community advisory boards.19
Is the intervention designed to be adaptable and flexible? |
Consider the importance of constant adaptation through continuous evaluation. Changing social, medical, financial, and structural contexts may alter needs. |
How can interventions be extend beyond pilot and research phases? |
Develop interventions with a focus on long-term sustainability, funding, leadership, and infrastructure. Implementation characteristics such as sustainability features must be a component of initial planning. |
Is the intervention improving health outcomes or reducing health disparities? |
Improving health and reducing health disparities are not synonymous. Remember that not all health promotion interventions reduce inequities if the intervention does not consider those with disproportionate burden of disease risk. |