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. 2023 Jan 13;72(2):33–38. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7202a3

TABLE 2. Estimated vaccination coverage by age 24 months* among children born during 2018–2019, by selected vaccines and doses and health insurance status§ — National Immunization Survey–Child, United States, 2019–2021.

Vaccine and dose Health insurance status, % (95% CI)
Private only (Ref)
(n = 16,629) Any Medicaid
(n = 10,200) Other insurance
(n = 2,168) Uninsured
(n = 601)
≥3 doses
96.9 (96.4–97.4)
92.3 (91.2–93.2)**
92.7 (90.3–94.7)**
85.5 (80.6–89.7)**
≥4 doses
88.6 (87.6–89.6)
77.1 (75.4–78.8)**
78.9 (75.3–82.3)**
57.0 (49.1–65.0)**
Poliovirus (≥3 doses)
96.1 (95.5–96.6)
91.4 (90.3–92.5)**
91.9 (89.4–94.1)**
84.8 (79.7–89.1)**
MMR (≥1 dose)††
95.1 (94.4–95.7)
89.2 (87.9–90.4)**
90.0 (87.2–92.5)**
79.7 (73.0–85.6)**
Hib §§
Primary series
96.7 (96.1–97.1)
91.3 (90.2–92.4)**
92.4 (90.0–94.4)**
83.4 (77.9–88.2)**
Full series
86.2 (85.0–87.3)
75.6 (74.0–77.3)**
76.8 (73.2–80.3)**
57.8 (50.0–65.9)**
Birth dose¶¶
80.6 (79.1–81.9)
79.8 (78.2–81.4)
77.4 (74.1–80.5)
69.9 (61.7–77.1)**
≥3 doses
94.6 (93.9–95.3)
91.4 (90.3–92.4)**
91.2 (88.7–93.3)**
84.6 (79.4–89.0)**
VAR (≥1 dose)††
94.3 (93.6–95.0)
89.1 (87.7–90.3)**
88.8 (85.9–91.4)**
76.8 (69.9–83.1)**
≥3 doses
96.2 (95.6–96.8)
91.3 (90.2–92.4)**
91.1 (88.6–93.3)**
83.9 (78.6–88.5)**
≥4 doses
90.0 (89.0–91.0)
78.8 (77.2–80.3)**
80.6 (77.3–83.7)**
62.3 (54.9–69.7)**
≥1 dose
91.3 (90.4–92.2)
86.3 (84.9–87.7)**
87.0 (84.4–89.4)**
73.2 (66.1–79.8)**
≥2 doses***
49.6 (47.9–51.3)
46.3 (44.3–48.3)**
45.4 (41.2–49.7)
27.9 (21.5–35.8)**
≥2 doses (by age 35 mos)***
84.9 (83.0–86.7)
76.2 (73.6–78.7)**
79.1 (73.9–83.8)**
43.4 (34.9–52.9)**
Rotavirus (by age 8 mos)†††
85.1 (83.9–86.2)
71.1 (69.3–72.8)**
72.0 (67.8–75.8)**
63.8 (56.4–70.7)**
Influenza (≥2 doses)§§§
77.1 (75.7–78.4)
52.6 (50.6–54.5)**
63.5 (59.4–67.6)**
40.1 (33.0–48.0)**
Combined 7-vaccine series¶¶¶
78.0 (76.6–79.4)
64.2 (62.3–66.1)**
67.4 (63.4–71.2)**
45.2 (37.8–53.3)**
No vaccinations 0.7 (0.5–0.9) 0.9 (0.6–1.3) 1.0 (0.6–1.7) 6.0 (3.2–10.0)**

Abbreviations: DTaP = diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and acellular pertussis vaccine; HepA = hepatitis A vaccine; HepB = hepatitis B vaccine; Hib = Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine; MMR = measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine; PCV = pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; Ref = referent group; VAR = varicella vaccine.

* Includes vaccinations received by age 24 months (before the day the child turns 24 months), except for the HepB birth dose, rotavirus vaccination, and ≥2 HepA doses by 35 months. For all vaccines except the HepB birth dose and rotavirus vaccination, the Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate vaccination coverage to account for children whose vaccination history was ascertained before age 24 months (35 months for ≥2 HepA doses).

Data for the 2018 birth year are from survey years 2019, 2020, and 2021; data for the 2019 birth year are considered preliminary and are from survey years 2020 and 2021 (data from survey year 2022 are not yet available).

§ Children’s health insurance status was reported by parent or guardian. “Other insurance” includes the Children’s Health Insurance Program, military insurance, coverage via the Indian Health Service, and any other type of health insurance not mentioned elsewhere.

Includes children who might have received diphtheria and tetanus toxoids vaccine or diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and pertussis vaccine.

** Statistically significant (p<0.05) difference compared with Ref.

†† Includes children who might have received MMR and VAR combination vaccine.

§§ Hib primary series: receipt of ≥2 or ≥3 doses, depending on vaccine product type received; full series: primary series and booster dose, which includes receipt of ≥3 or ≥4 doses, depending on vaccine product type received.

¶¶ One dose HepB administered from birth through age 3 days.

*** Before 2020, first dose of HepA recommended at age 12–23 months, with second dose administered 6–18 months after the first, depending upon the vaccine product type received. During 2020, recommendation revised to 2 doses between ages 12 and 23 months, ≥6 months apart. Because children in this analysis were vaccinated under both recommendations, coverage estimates for both <24 months and <35 months are provided.

††† Includes ≥2 doses of Rotarix monovalent rotavirus vaccine, or ≥3 doses of RotaTeq pentavalent rotavirus vaccine. If any dose in the series is either RotaTeq or unknown, the default is a 3-dose series. The maximum age for the final rotavirus dose is 8 months, 0 days.

§§§ Doses must be ≥24 days apart (4 weeks with a 4-day grace period); doses could have been received during two influenza seasons.

¶¶¶ The combined 7-vaccine series (4:3:1:3*:3:1:4) includes ≥4 doses of DTaP, ≥3 doses of poliovirus vaccine, ≥1 dose of measles-containing vaccine, the full series of Hib (≥3 or ≥4 doses, depending on product type), ≥3 doses of HepB, ≥1 dose of VAR, and ≥4 doses of PCV.