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. 2022 Jun 11;38(1):119–128. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfac197

Table 2.

Baseline characteristics of reclassified and non-reclassified individuals when changing from the 2009 to 2021 equation

All individuals (N = 1601237) Individuals with CKD G3–5 with the 2009 equation (N = 81674)
Characteristic Reclassified to a higher eGFR category (N = 158944) Not reclassified (N = 1442293) Reclassified to a higher eGFR category (N = 29581) Not reclassified (N = 52093)
Mean age (SD), years 62 (16) 46 (18) 77 (12) 77 (13)
Age category, n (%)
 <50 years 37454 (24) 869312 (60) 860 (3) 2368 (5)
 50–59 years 27576 (17) 223430 (15) 1669 (6) 2666 (5)
 60–69 years 39668 (25) 184989 (13) 4614 (16) 6872 (13)
 70–79 years 36647 (23) 88856 (6) 8553 (29) 13305 (26)
 ≥80 years 17599 (11) 75706 (5) 13885 (47) 26882 (52)
Female sex, n (%) 80067 (50) 774139 (54) 17435 (59) 31264 (60)
Mean plasma creatinine (SD), μmol/La 80 (21) 73 (23) 104 (30) 130 (75)
eGFR with the 2009 equation, mL/min/1.73 m2 81 (14) 98 (21) 53 (9) 44 (11)
eGFR with the 2021 equation, mL/min/1.73 m2 86 (15) 102 (20) 57 (10) 47 (12)
Education, n (%)
 Compulsory school 33973 (22) 228433 (16) 10370 (37) 19427 (39)
 Secondary school 60681 (39) 553645 (39) 10759 (38) 18898 (38)
 University 60535 (39) 633786 (45) 7009 (25) 10875 (22)
Medical history, n (%)
 Hypertension 40768 (26) 187345 (13) 14342 (48) 27650 (53)
 Myocardial infarction 5943 (4) 24795 (2) 2817 (10) 6065 (12)
 Other ischemic heart disease 12595 (8) 50921 (4) 5750 (19) 11777 (23)
 Heart failure 8083 (5) 31153 (2) 5284 (18) 12268 (24)
 Stroke 6906 (4) 28571 (2) 3251 (11) 6673 (13)
 Other cerebrovascular disease 6079 (4) 25305 (2) 2854 (10) 5868 (11)
 Arrhythmia 13442 (8) 61567 (4) 6194 (21) 12447 (24)
 Peripheral vascular disease 3172 (2) 14073 (1) 1568 (5) 3473 (7)
 Diabetes 13059 (8) 72208 (5) 4620 (16) 9656 (19)
 Cancer 6920 (4) 33063 (2) 2150 (7) 4096 (8)
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 5417 (3) 22690 (2) 1904 (6) 3814 (7)
 Liver disease 2006 (1) 18490 (1) 471 (2) 954 (2)
Concomitant medications, n (%)
 Beta blocker 28809 (18) 132472 (9) 10860 (37) 21400 (41)
 Calcium channel blocker 14842 (9) 65105 (5) 5138 (17) 10135 (19)
 Diuretic 21212 (13) 88947 (6) 10950 (37) 23737 (46)
 RASi 27599 (17) 127590 (9) 9642 (33) 19603 (38)
 Lipid-lowering drug 21924 (14) 95617 (7) 6722 (23) 12717 (24)
 NSAIDs 22259 (14) 178010 (12) 4101 (14) 7090 (14)
Calendar year, n (%)
 2007–10 115430 (73) 882148 (61) 25694 (87) 45943 (88)
 2011–14 25314 (16) 321304 (22) 2278 (8) 3546 (7)
 2015–19 18200 (11) 238841 (17) 1609 (5) 2604 (5)

n = number; eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; RASi = renin-angiotensin system inhibition (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker); NSAIDs = non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


Mean (SD) plasma creatinine is 0.90 (0.24) mg/dL for reclassified and 0.83 (0.26) mg/dL for non-reclassified individuals. To convert plasma creatinine from μmol/L to mg/dL, multiply by 0.0113.