Analysis of fiber histology on MHC isoforms of PBS and C26 mice was performed. CSA of MHC stains was evaluated in the quadriceps (A, n = 8; B, representative image; original magnification, ×20) and diaphragm at 2 weeks of tumor bearing (C, n = 6; D, representative image; original magnification, ×20). The same was completed for the quadriceps (E, n = 9; F, representative image; original magnification, ×20) and diaphragm at 4 weeks of tumor bearing (G, n = 9; H, representative image; original magnification, ×20). Results represent mean ± SD; 2-tailed t tests were used to determine the difference between PBS(2wk) versus C26(2wk) and PBS (4wk) versus C26(4wk). *P < 0.05 PBS (4wk) versus C26(4wk).