Figure 4. The effects of C26 colon cancer on quadriceps and diaphragm force production.
In situ quadriceps force production was assessed using the force-frequency relationship (A, absolute force; B, normalized force to total quadriceps weight; n = 6–14) and in vitro diaphragm force production was also measured using the force-frequency relationship (C, normalized force; absolute force is not included as the method was performed on muscle strips; n = 6–12). Results represent mean ± SD; a 2-way ANOVA was used to determine the difference between PBS(2wk) versus C26(2wk) versus PBS (4wk) versus C26(4wk). #P < 0.05 PBS(2wk) versus C26(2wk); *P < 0.05 PBS(4wk) versus C26(4wk); $P < 0.05 C26 (2wk) versus C26 (4wk).