(A) NET metagene score is increased in severe PGD. (B) NET metagene score correlates with the NK-stress metagene score. (C) CitH3-DNA complexes are increased in grade 2 or 3 PGD at POD1. (D) NE-DNA complexes are shown at POD1 in grade 2 or 3 PGD compared with grade 0 or 1 PGD. (E–I) CitH3-DNA complexes are correlated with NK cell cytokines IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-15, but not with GM-CSF or VEGF-A. Summary data are displayed with box-and-whisker plots illustrating individual data points, bound by boxes at 25th and 75th percentiles, and with medians depicted with bisecting lines. Individual P values are shown, and differences were assessed with Mann Whitney U test and correlations with Spearman’s test.