A photomicrograph for H&E-stained sections in adult male rats’ renal cortex. a Control group, the glomerulus (g) appears normal, Bowman’s capsule is lined by simple squamous cells (SC) and Bowman’s space (s) appears narrow. Proximal (p) and distal convoluted tubules (d) are seen. b–e DN group. b The glomerulus (G) shows mesangial expansion (*). Some tubules have vacuolated lining cells (v), small dark nuclei (n) and hyaline (h) and cellular (c) casts within their lumen. The interstitium shows infiltrating mononuclear inflammatory cells (i) and thickened blood vessels (bv). c The glomeruli (G) show mesangial expansion (*) and narrow Bowman’s space (s). The interstitium shows congested blood vessel (bv) surrounded by an exudate (e), a blood vessel with thickened wall (bv) and extravasated red blood cells (r). d The glomeruli (G) appear segmented with mesangial expansion (*). The tubules have hyaline (h) casts within their lumen. The interstitium shows infiltrating mononuclear inflammatory cells (I), dilated congested blood vessels (bv) and increased fibrous tissue (f). e The glomeruli (G) appear segmented (star) with swollen parietal layer of Bowman’s capsule (pc). Notice dilated congested blood vessel within the interstitium (bv). f DN + ZnO-NPs, the glomeruli (G) appear almost normal, Bowman’s capsule is lined by simple squamous cells (SC) and the Bowman’s space (s) is about normal. Nearly normal proximal (P) and distal convoluted tubules (D) are seen.