Electron micrographs of sections for proximal convoluted tubules of adult male rats in all study groups. a Control group, proximal tubular cells rest on thin regular basement membrane (BM). The tubular cells have regular euchromatic nuclei (n) with prominent nucleoli (n) and regularly packed apical microvilli (mv), the basal parts of the cells show basal infoldings (i) with regularly arranged mitochondria (m). b DN group, the proximal tubular cells rest on thick basement membrane (BM). They have heterochromatic nuclei (N), rarified cytoplasm (*) with some vacuolated areas (v) and disorganized apical microvilli (mv). The basal parts of the cells show disorganized basal enfolding with disorganized mitochondria (M). c DN + ZnO-NPs group, the proximal tubular cell rests on a thin regular basement membrane (BM). It has normal cytoplasm with evident vacuoles (V), a regular euchromatic nucleus (N), lysosomes (l) and regularly packed apical microvilli (mv). The basal part of the cell shows basal infoldings (I) with regularly arranged mitochondria (M).