Figure 3. Skeletal muscle mitochondrial inertia and reduced functional outcomes in older sedentary individuals.
(A) Halftime of PCr on-kinetics. (B) Halftime of PCr recovery after exercise. (C) Linear association between PCr on-kinetics and PCr recovery after exercise. (D) Walking speed upon performing the 6-minute walking test (6MWT). (E) Seating and standing upon performing the chair-stand test. (F) Gross exercise efficiency. (G) Net exercise efficiency upon performing a submaximal cycling test. [s], seconds; Y, young; OT, older trained; O, older with normal physical activity. Circles in black, Y (n = 10); circles in red, OT (n = 17); circles in blue, O (n = 15). Data are shown as individual points and mean ± SD. ‡P < 0.05 versus Y individuals, *P < 0.05 versus OT individuals. One participant from Y and 2 participants from OT did not perform the 6MWT due to scheduling issues. Two other participants from OT did not perform the chair-stand test due to scheduling issues. Statistical test were 1-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc correction and Pearson’s correlation.