FIG. 6.
Immunocytochemical analysis of adhesion molecule expression by cervicovaginal epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo. Positive cells appear red. (A and B) Constitutive expression of CD46 in endocervical tissue (A) and endocervical cell culture (B). (C to G) Expression of CD66 in vaginal tissue (C), ectocervical tissue (D), endocervical tissue (E), uninfected endocervical cell culture (F), and endocervical cell culture after 8 h of infection with the N. gonorrhoeae F62 piliated variant (G). (H to K) Expression of ICAM-1 in endocervical cell cultures with no infection (H), following 8 h of TNF-α stimulation (I), following 8 h of infection with N. gonorrhoeae piliated F62 (J), or following 8 h of infection with N. gonorrhoeae nonpiliated F62 (K). L. lumenal epithelial surface: B. basal epithelial layers. Magnification, ×125 (A, C to E, and H to K) and ×250 (B, F, and G).