a Seedlings were grown on MS medium containing with or without 175 mM NaCl for 3-weeks and the survival rate of the seedlings were counted. A graph represents the quantification of survival rate of the seedlings. Error bars, SE (n = 3 biological replicates), Each biological replicate contains 64 seedlings per genotype. b Relative expression of salt-induced genes. One-week-old seedlings were treated with 175 mM NaCl solution for 3 h and RNA was extracted. Error bars, SD (n = 3 biological replicates). c Two-week-old seedlings were irrigated with 300 mM NaCl solution every 4 days for 28-d, then watered normally for 7-d. d The survival rate of the ctr1-8 and 35S:GFP-CTR1ctr1-8 seedlings on MS medium containing with or without 175 mM NaCl. Error bars, SD (n = 3 biological replicates), Each biological replicate contains 72 seedlings per genotype. e, f Four-week-old seedlings were irrigated with 300 mM NaCl solution every 4 days for 12 d, then watered normally for 7-d. g One-week-old light-grown seedlings were transferred MS medium containing 20% PEG8000 for a week and photographed. h Relative expression of drought-induced genes. One-week-old seedlings were placed on filter papers and dried for 3 h at room temperature and used for the analysis. Error bars, SD (n = 3 biological replicates). i. 2-week old WT and 35S:GFP-∆NT-CTR1ctr1-1(#14) seedlings were subjected for water stress by withdrawing water for 28-d, followed by 7-d rewatering. j–I Four-week-old wild-type, 35S:GFP-CTR1ctr1-1, 35S:GFP-∆NT-CTR1ctr1-1(#28), 35S:GFP-CTR1ctr1-8, ctr1-8, CTR1p:GFP-gCTR1ctr1-8/ctr1-8 and CTR1p:GFP-gCTR1ctr1-8-SV40/ctr1-8 mutant seedlings were subjected to water stress, followed by 7-d of re-watering recovery (7D-Rec). Statistical significance we determined by Student’s t test relative to control for (a, b, d, h).