Table 2.
In vivo studies that investigated the effects of HT in animal models.
STUDY (year) | Sample (size) | Treatment Group | Methodology | Outcomes |
[24] | Male Wistar Rats (n = 40) | Control group Cholesterol group HT group HT-Ac group HT-Et group |
During 8 weeks: supplemented diet (2% cholesterol and 0.4% cholic acid) and 0.04% HT, HT-AC and HT-Et if corresponding | LDL-col levels were reduced in Chol group. Serum antioxidant activity were improved in HT and HT-Ac group in relation with Chol group. |
[27] | Female Wistar Rats (n = 12) | Control group HT group SEC group |
During 21 days: fed with 5 mg/kg SEC or HT. Animals were weighted every 2 days to adjustment. |
HT treatment could play a role in the modulation of several proteins closely related with CVDs. |
[28] | Wistar Rats (n = 70) | Non-Diabetic rats Diabetic rats Diabetic + 0.5 mg/kg/day HT rats Diabetic + 1 mg/kg/day HT rats Diabetic + 2.5 mg/kg/day HT rats Diabetic + 5 mg/kg/day HT rats Diabetic + 10 mg/kg/day HT rats |
HT was given once per day for 7 days before diabetes’ induction. Then HT was given daily during 2 months. |
HT treatment reduced platelet activity, thromboxane B2 and ox-LDL levels. In addition, the treatment reduced MPOx, VCAM-1 and IL-6. |
[29] | ApoE−/− mice (n = 20) | Control group SEC treatment group |
Control: standard diet. SEC: standard diet 10 mg/kg SEC extract. |
SEC treatment decreased the stain of E-selectin, MCP-1, ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and F4/80. |
[30] | BALB/c mice (n = 40) | Control group 1 50 mg/ml LPS group, group 2 40 mg/kg HT group, group 3 80 mg/kg HT group, group 4 80 mg/kg HT at 5 times group, group 5 |
For 3 days: w/o polyphenols Group 5 received HT 2 administrations 8 and 24 h post fasting 1 h after: LPS except group 1 |
At all doses tested of HT, COX-2 gene expression was reduced. Plasma antioxidant power doubled basal levels after HT treatment. |
[25] | Sirtendo−/− mice and Sirt6flex/flex mice (WT mice) | Control group P-407 group P-407 + HT group p-407 + HT-AC WT group WT + p-407 group WT + p-407 + HT-AC group Sirtendo−/− + p-407 + HT-AC |
During 4 weeks: different concentrations of HT, HT-AC and peritoneal injection with p-407 | HT treatment decreased TNF-α and 1L-1β levels. IL-6 and Ccl2 mRNA levels decreased too. |
[31] | ApoE−/− mice with the C57BL/6 genetic background (n = 22) | Control group HT group |
Daily HT: HT group Daily saline gavage: Control group |
HT treatment decreased plaque and atherosclerotic lesions while it improves lipid profile. HT treatment upregulated ABCA1 and SR-BI expression while downregulates IL-2 and CRP expression. |
[26] | ApoE−/− mice in the C57/BL6 background (n = 40) | ND ND + HT-AC HFD HFD + HT-AC |
For 12 weeks: HFD consumed western diet and/or HT-AC | HT treatment decreased plaque formation and suppressed the expression of GSDMD. HT suppressed TNF-α and IL-1β concentrations. HT treatment decreased HDAC11 and HDAC11 mRNA expression. |
[34] | Wistar rats (n = 60) | Non-Diabetic rats Diabetic rats Diabetic + 5 mg/kg/day HT rats Diabetic + 0.5 mg/kg/day DHPG rats Diabetic + 0.5 mg/kg/day DHPG + HT rats Diabetic + 1 mg/kg/day DHPG + HT rats |
Every treatment were administrated in the drinking water once a day during 7 days before diabetes’ induction. Then, every treatment were administrated daily during 2 months. |
HT increased HDL-chol levels while reduced platelet aggregation, thromboxane B2, MPOx and VCAM-1 levels. |
[35] | Swiss mice (n = 35) | Control group HT group LPS group 20 mg HT + LPS group 40 mg HT + LPS group |
For 10 days every group received their treatment | HT treatment reduced CRP, MCP-1, MPO, IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α and NF-kB |
Abbreviations: ABCA1: ATP-binding cassette transporter 1; ApoE−/− mice: Apolipoprotein E knockout mice; Ccl2: Chemokine ligand 2; Con: Control; COX: cyclooxygenase; CRP: C-reactive protein; CVDs: Cardiovascular diesases; DHPG: 3,4-dyhydroxyphenylglycol; HDAC11: Histone deacetylase 11; HFD: High fat diet; HT-AC: Hydroxytyrosol acetate; HT-Et: Hydroxytyrosol ether; ICAM-1: Intercellular adhesion molecule-1; IL: Interleukin; Isop: Isoproterenol; LPS: Lipopolysaccharide; MCP-1: Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; ND: Normal diet; NF-kB: Nuclear Factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells; OLE: Olive leaf extract; SD: Sprague-Dawley; SEC: Secoiridoids; Sirtendo−/− mice: Endothelium specific Sirt6 knockout; SR-BI: Scavenger receptor class B type 1; TNF-α: Tumor Necrosis Factor- α; VCAM-1: vascular cell adhesion molecule-1; WT: Wild-type.