White matter lesions and development status in patient 16 and patient 27. (A) Brain MRI scanning before and after liver transplantation in patient 16 at different time points. 7Y9M = patient at 7 years-9 months old. Patient 16 harbored a heterozygosis c.695 C>T/p. P232L. White matter lesions was reversed after liver transplantation. (B) Significant decrease of Met levels after transplantation in patient 16, from 844.1 μmol/L (before) to 96.9 µmol/L (after). mMet1:844.1 = mean Met value before transplantation was 844.1 μmol/L; mMet2:96.9 = mean Met value after transplantation was 96.9 μmol/L (C) Brain MRI scanning of patient 27 at the age of 4 years 11 m with anomalies in white matter. The plasma Met concentration was maintained at 839.1 μmol/L left panel display his development status measured by ASQ (Ages-Stages Questionnaire). P27 had a normal development after SAMe supplementation. *, p < .05; **, p < .01; ***, p < .001.