Table 1.
Antibody | 1st Ab species / dilution | 1st Ab catalog number | Immunogen | Reference | RRID | 2nd Ab species/dilution, catalog number |
Anti-Gαo | Rabbit 1:200 | MBL-551 | Bovine GTP Binding Protein Gαo subunit | Prince et al. (2009) | AB_591430 | ImmPRESS VR HRP Anti-rabbit IgG Reagent MP-6401-15 |
Anti-Gαi2 | Rabbit 1:200 | Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-7276 | Peptide mapping within a highly divergent domain of Gαi2 of rat origin | de la Rosa-Prieto et al. (2010) | AB_2111472 | ImmPRESS VR HRP Anti-rabbit IgG Reagent MP-6401-15 |
Anti–MAP-2 | Mouse 1:400 | Sigma M4403 | Rat brain microtubule-associated proteins | Kotani et al. (2010) | AB_477193 | ImmPRESS VR HRP Anti-mouse IgG Reagent MP-6402-15 |
Anti—CB | Rabbit 1:6,000 | Swant CB38 | Rat recombinant calbindin D-28k | Hermanowicz-Sobieraj et al. (2018) | AB_10000340 | ImmPRESS VR HRP Anti-rabbit IgG Reagent MP-6401-15 |
Anti-CR | Rabbit 1:6,000 | Swant 7697 | Recombinant human calretinin containing a 6-his tag at the N-terminus | Adrio et al. (2011) | AB_2619710 | ImmPRESS VR HRP Anti-rabbit IgG Reagent MP-6401-15 |
Anti-SG | Rabbit 1:1,000 | Gift from Ludwig Wagner (University of Vienna, Austria) | Recombinant human secretagogin | Alpár et al. (2012) | AB_1079874 | ImmPRESS VR HRP Anti-rabbit IgG Reagent MP-6401-15 |
UEA | 1:60 | Vector L-1060 | AB_2336767 | Rabbit 1:50 DAKO P289 |
Abbreviations: ABC, avidin-biotin complex; CB, calbindin; CR, calretinin; HRP, horseradish peroxidase; MAP-2, microtubule-associated protein 2; SG, secretagogin; UEA, Ulex europaeus agglutinin.