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. 2023 Jan 10;10:1017410. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1017410

Table 2.

Classification and comparison of three latent phenotypes of pregnant women with different demographic characteristics.

Demographics Total High Moderate Low χ2 P-value
(n = 973) (n = 67) (n = 200) (n = 706)
Age, M (SD) 28.24 (4.88) 28.1 (4.09) 28.18 (4.44) 28.3 (5.06) 0.52 0.97
≤ 25 285 (29.29%) 18 (26.87%) 59 (29.50%) 208 (29.46%)
26–34 572 (58.79%) 42 (62.69%) 116 (58.00%) 414 (58.64%)
≥35 116 (11.92%) 7 (10.44%) 25 (12.50%) 84 (11.90%)
High school or less 336 (34.53%) 25 (37.31%) 72 (36.00%) 239 (33.85%) 1.57 0.95
Universities and colleges 266 (27.34%) 17 (25.37%) 53 (26.50%) 196 (27.76%)
Undergraduate 341 (35.05%) 24 (35.82%) 70 (35.00%) 247 (35.00%)
Postgraduate 30 (3.08%) 1 (1.50%) 5 (2.50%) 24 (3.39%)
Only child
Yes 258 (26.52%) 15 (22.39%) 50 (25.00%) 193 (27.34%) 1.07 0.59
No 715 (73.48%) 52 (77.61%) 150 (75.00%) 513 (72.66%)
Urban 689 (70.82%) 48 (71.64%) 130 (65.00%) 511 (72.38%) 4.13 0.13
Rural 284 (29.18%) 19 (28.36%) 70 (35.00%) 195 (27.62%)
Monthly household income (RMB)
< 3,000 80 (8.22%) 3 (4.48%) 22 (11.00%) 55 (7.79%) 8.52 0.20
3,000–5,000 282 (28.98%) 27 (40.30%) 52 (26.00%) 203 (28.75%)
5,001–7,000 243 (24.97%) 15 (22.39%) 45 (22.50%) 183 (25.92%)
>7,000 368 (37.83%) 22 (32.83%) 81 (40.50%) 265 (37.54%)
Number of marriages
One marriage 918 (94.35%) 65 (97.01%) 191 (95.50%) 662 (93.77%) 1.84 0.40
Two marriages and above 55 (5.65%) 2 (2.99%) 9 (4.50%) 44 (6.23%)
Perinatal period
Second trimester 397 (40.80%) 20 (29.85%) 73 (36.50%) 304 (43.10%) 6.35 0.04
Third trimester 576 (59.20%) 47 (70.15%) 127 (63.50%) 402 (56.90%)
Marriage satisfaction
Satisfied 790 (81.19%) 45 (67.16%) 152 (76.00%) 593 (84.00%) 15.8 < 0.001
Dissatisfied 183 (18.81%) 22 (32.84%) 48 (24.00%) 113 (16.00%)
Conjugal relation
Good 902 (92.70%) 59 (88.10%) 180 (90.00%) 663 (93.91%) 5.81 0.06
Bad 71 (7.30%) 8 (11.90%) 20 (10.00%) 43 (6.09%)
Husband and wife status
Equality 863 (88.69%) 58 (86.57%) 172 (86.00%) 633 (89.66%) 2.41 0.30
Inequality 110 (11.31%) 9 (13.43%) 28 (14.00%) 73 (10.34%)
In-law relationship
Good 816 (83.86%) 43 (64.18%) 157 (78.50%) 616 (87.25%) 29.43 < 0.001
Bad 157 (16.14%) 24 (35.82%) 43 (21.50%) 90 (12.75%)
Friend relationship
Good 917 (94.24%) 56 (83.58%) 181 (90.50%) 680 (96.32%) 24.81 < 0.001
Bad 56 (5.76%) 11 (16.42%) 19 (9.50%) 26 (3.68%)
Basic diseases
Yes 315 (32.37%) 29 (43.28%) 75 (37.50%) 211 (29.90%) 8.04 0.02
No 658 (67.63%) 38 (56.72%) 125 (62.50%) 495 (70.10%)
Take birth control pills
Yes 343 (35.25%) 28 (41.79%) 86 (43.00%) 229 (32.44%) 8.97 0.01
No 630 (64.75%) 39 (58.21%) 114 (57.00%) 477 (67.56%)

Bold values indicate P < 0.05.