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. 2023 Jan 24;83(3):249–263. doi: 10.1007/s40265-022-01822-z

Table 3.

Covariate balance before and after PS-matching ibuprofen-COX-2i cohorts

Before PS matching After PS matching
cohort (%)
cohort (%)
ASMD Ibuprofen
cohort (%)
cohort (%)
Female 64.5 63.6 0.02 63.8 63.1 0.02

Age, years


1.1 0.1 0.12 0.2 0.2 0
20–24 3.3 0.4 0.21 0.5 0.6 − 0.01
25–29 4.5 0.7 0.24 0.8 0.9 − 0.01
30–34 5.9 1.2 0.26 1.5 1.6 − 0.01
35–39 6.9 2 0.24 2.5 2.7 − 0.01
40–44 7.9 3.2 0.2 4.1 4.1 0
45–49 9.1 5 0.16 6.1 6.3 − 0.01
50–54 11.3 8.1 0.11 9.7 9.7 0
55–59 13.3 11.9 0.04 13.9 13.4 0.01
60–64 12.4 14.7 − 0.07 15.8 15.6 0.01
65–69 9.8 16.3 − 0.19 15.5 15.5 0
70–74 6.7 14.9 − 0.26 12.7 12.7 0
75–79 3.9 10.4 − 0.25 8.1 8.3 − 0.01
80–84 3.9 11 − 0.27 8.5 8.4 0
Amenorrhea, any time prior 6.3 2.2 0.2 2.7 2.6 0
Hypertension, any time prior 55 66.4 − 0.23 65.5 64 0.03
Hip pain, any time prior 18.6 27.2 − 0.21 24.7 23.9 0.02
Hyperlipidaemia, any time prior 41.9 54.5 − 0.25 52.5 51.6 0.02
Nicotine dependence, any time prior 19.3 9.8 0.27 12 11.5 0.01
Cataracts, any time prior 13.5 24.2 − 0.28 21.3 20.9 0.01
OA, any time prior 21.8 35 − 0.3 32.3 31.7 0.01
Hip OA, any time prior 8.4 19.4 − 0.32 15 14.8 0
Knee OA, any time prior 29.1 51.1 − 0.46 45.7 44.6 0.02
Osteoporosis, any time prior 8.2 15.2 − 0.22 13.7 13.2 0.01
Lumbar spine stenosis, any time prior 16.5 26.4 − 0.24 24.6 23.8 0.02
Low back pain, 6 months prior 43.5 27.3 0.34 30.7 31 − 0.01
Hip OA, 6 months prior 3.8 11.6 − 0.29 7.7 8 − 0.01
Knee OA, 6 months prior 14.3 28.6 − 0.36 24 23.9 0
Knee OA, 1 month prior 5.9 16.3 − 0.34 11.5 11.7 0
Cerebrovascular disease 2.2 3 − 0.05 3 2.8 0.01
Chronic obstructive lung disease 13.4 13.8 − 0.01 15.5 14.2 0.04
Diabetes mellitus 0.8 0.6 0.02 0.7 0.7 0
Ischaemic heart disease 0.2 0.3 − 0.01 0.3 0.2 0.01
Obesity 27.7 25 0.06 26.1 25.2 0.02
Malignant neoplastic disease 0.2 0.3 − 0.01 0.3 0.3 0
Procedures and visit
Knee arthroscopy, any time prior 3.1 11.1 − 0.32 6.8 6.9 0
DXA scan, any time prior 13.5 25.4 − 0.3 22.6 21.8 0.02
ECG, any time prior 39 49.2 − 0.21 47.5 46.1 0.03
Knee X-ray, any time prior 16.5 26 − 0.23 23 22.1 0.02
Manual therapy/physiotherapy, any time prior 38.6 53.3 − 0.3 49.5 48.6 0.02
Total knee replacement, any time prior 0.6 4.6 − 0.25 1.8 1.9 − 0.01
Arthrocentesis, 6 months prior 6.1 11.8 − 0.2 10.5 10.2 0.01
Emergency visit, 6 months prior 17.6 6.2 0.36 7.5 7.1 0.02
Clinical index scoresa
CHADS2VASc 2.12 2.74 − 0.38 2.62 2.57 0.03
Diabetes Comorbidity Severity Index 1.62 1.95 − 0.14 1.95 1.87 0.04
Charlson Index, Romano adaptation 2.22 2.57 − 0.13 2.6 2.48 0.04

Select characteristics before and after PS matching, showing the (weighted) percentage of subjects with the characteristics in the ibuprofen vs comparator cohorts, as well as the ASMD. Data shown from the OpenClaims, on treatment, February to October 2020 analysis. A complete covariate balance list can be found in the accompanying supplementary files, including drug covariates that were balanced at the ingredient level

ASMD absolute standardised mean difference, COX-2i cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, DXA dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, ECG electrocardiogram, OA osteoarthritis

aData for these covariates are given as a mean score for the cohort, not % of the cohort