Table 4.
One-way ANOVA P Values Analyzing Differences in Number of Implant Size Decision-making Factors and Readability Scores
Groups | Decision-making Factors | Flesch-Kincaid | Flesch Reading Ease | Fry | Gunning Fog | Raygor Estimate | SMOG |
Geographic regions | 0.32117568 | 0.08033026 | 0.0530873 | 0.02962899 | 0.2906447 | 0.13217852 | 0.05845738 |
Surgeon gender | 0.12228598 | 0.7198601 | 0.44977633 | 0.18622791 | 0.76931349 | 0.34550834 | 0.74086001 |
Boldface indicates statistically significant difference in Fry readability scores between private practice websites when grouping websites by the practice’s U.S. geographic location (Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and West).