Figure 3.
Survival analyses showing the primary endpoint of DRFS for patients randomly assigned to capecitabine or observation in the GEICAM/CIBOMA translational study cohort. A, Kaplan–Meier curves for basal patients as defined by RNA-based PAM50. B, Kaplan–Meier curves for non-basal patients as defined by RNA-based PAM50. C, Forest plot for the GEICAM/CIBOMA translational study cohort primary endpoint of DRFS and secondary endpoint of OS on the capecitabine arm versus observation arm. Hazard ratios, 95% confidence intervals, and P values are derived from Cox regression multivariate analysis adjusted for age, menopausal status, histological grade, tumor size, stage, breast surgery, region, nodal status, and chemotherapy regimen. Pinteraction indicates results of tests of heterogeneity for biomarker-defined subgroups in relation to treatment arm. Results were adjusted for multiple testing using the Benjamini–Hochberg method (BH). IHC basal phenotype is defined as triple-negative breast cancer with any staining for CK5/6+ or EGFR, whereas IHC non-basal phenotype is defined as triple-negative breast cancer with negative staining for both CK5/6 and EGFR. Abbreviations: DRFS, distant recurrence-free survival; OS, overall survival.