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. 2022 Jun 8;55(1):155–166. doi: 10.4143/crt.2021.1567

Table 2.

gBRCA1/2 mutation profile and consistency with tumor NGS assay

Blood gBRCA1 Tissue NGS BRCA1 Pathogenicity Consistency

REFSEQ Nucleotide change AA change Function REFSEQ Nucleotide change AA change Function VAF (%)
 sample No.
S00500 NM_007294 c.154C>T L52F Nonsynonymous SNV NM_007294 c.154C>T L52F Nonsynonymous SNV 60.13 VUS Consistent

S02550 NM_007294 c.154C>T L52F Nonsynonymous SNV NM_007300 c.154C>T L52F Nonsynonymous SNV 49.58 VUS Consistent

S03566 NM_007294 c.154C>T L52F Nonsynonymous SNV NM_007300 c.154C>T L52F Nonsynonymous SNV 44.48 VUS Consistent

S00292 NM_007294 c.390C>A Y130X Stopgain NM_007294 c.390C>A Y130* Stopgain SNV 70.83 Pathologic Consistent

S00564 NM_007294 c.1397G>A R466Q Nonsynonymous SNV NM_007294 c.1397G>A R466Q Nonsynonymous SNV 54.43 VUS Consistent

S04032 NM_007294 c.1716del E572fs Frameshift deletion NM_007294 c.1716delA E572fs Frameshift deletion 38.5 Pathologic Consistent

S04106 NM_007294 c.2048delA K683fs Frameshift deletion NM_007294 c.2048delA K683fs Frameshift deletion 40.37 Pathologic Consistent

S00231 NM_007294 c.2433delC N810fs Frameshift deletion NM_007294 c.2433delC N810fs Frameshift deletion 36.73 Pathologic Consistent

S04059 NM_007294 c.3228_3229delAG 1076_1077del Frameshift deletion NM_007294 c.3228_3229del G1077Afs*8 Frameshift deletion 37.44 Pathologic Consistent

S04382 NM_007294 c.3448C>T P1150S Nonsynonymous SNV NM_007300 c.3448C>T P1150S Nonsynonymous SNV 50.34 VUS Consistent

S04231 NM_007294 c.4060_4061del 1354_1354del Frameshift deletion NM_007294 c.4060_4061del N1354* Frameshift deletion 43.99 Pathologic Consistent

S03086 NM_007294 c.5074+1G>T Splicing NM_007300 c.5137+1G>T Splicing 78.99 Pathologic Consistent

S01088 NM_007294 c.509G>A R170Q Nonsynonymous SNV NM_007294 c.509G>A R170Q Nonsynonymous SNV 36.54 VUS Consistent

S00275 NM_007294 c.520C>T Q174* Stopgain SNV NM_007294 c.520C>T Q174* Stopgain SNV 82.3 Pathologic Consistent

S04083 NM_007294 c.5339T>C L1801P Nonsynonymous SNV NM_007300 c.5402T>C L1801P Nonsynonymous SNV 58.43 Pathologic Consistent

S03871 NM_007294 c.5444G>A W1836* Stopgain SNV NM_007300 c.5508G>A W1836* Stopgain SNV 70.84 Pathologic Consistent

S04178 NM_007294 c.5445G>A W1836* Stopgain SNV NM_007300 c.5508G>A W1836* Stopgain SNV 65.06 Pathologic Consistent

S03838 NM_007294 c.5467+1G>A Splicing NM_007300 c.5530+1G>A Splicing 61.34 Pathologic Consistent

S01005 NM_007294 c.5497_5506del V1833fs Frameshift deletion NM_007294 c.5493_5502del V1832Efs*8 Frameshift deletion 60.31 Pathologic Inconsistent

 sample No.
S00601 NM_000059 c.1399A>T K467* Stopgain SNV NM_000059 c.1399A>T K467* Stopgain SNV 43.72 Pathologic Consistent

S03840 NM_000059 c.1399A>T K467* Stopgain SNV NM_000059 c.1399A>T K467* Stopgain SNV 73.55 Pathologic Consistent

S02371 NM_000059 c.1399A>T K467* Stopgain SNV NM_000059 c.1399A>T K467* Stopgain SNV 51.11 Pathologic Consistent

S03566 NM_000059 c.1399A>T K467* Stopgain SNV NM_000059 c.1399A>T K467* Stopgain SNV 71.71 Pathologic Consistent

S00374 NM_000059 c.2435delA K811fs Frameshift deletion NM_000059 c.2431delA K811fs Frameshift deletion 30.93 Pathologic Consistent

S02987 NM_000059 c.2808_2811del A938fs Frameshift deletion NM_000059 c.2808_2811del A938fs Frameshift deletion 46.82 Pathologic Consistent

S03938 NM_000059 c.353G>A R118H Nonsynonymous SNV NM_000059 c.353G>A R118H Nonsynonymous SNV 46.99 Pathologic Consistent

S03896 NM_000059 c.3744_3747del S1248fs Frameshift deletion NM_000059 c.3744_3747del S1248fs Frameshift deletion 60.52 Pathologic Consistent

S03987 NM_000059 c.5656C>T Q1886* Stopgain SNV NM_000059 c.5656C>T Q1886* Stopgain SNV 50 Pathologic Consistent

S00484 NM_000059 c.6029T>G V2010G Nonsynonymous SNV NM_000059 c.6029T>G V2010G Nonsynonymous SNV 49.12 VUS Consistent

S00215 NM_000059 c.6486_6489delACAA K2162fs Frameshift deletion NM_0000596489delACAA c.6486_ K2162fs Frameshift deletion 72.18 Pathologic Consistent

S04259 NM_000059 c.6875A>C E2292A Nonsynonymous SNV NM_000059 c.8633_8648TATTATATT substitution Frameshift 8.37 VUS Inconsistent

S04084 NM_000059 c.7258G>T E2420* Stopgain SNV NM_000059 c.7258G>T E2420* Stopgain SNV 67.92 Pathologic Consistent

S04378 NM_000059 c.7480C>T R2494* Stopgain SNV NM_000059 c.7480C>T R2494* Stopgain SNV 58.44 Pathologic Consistent

S04288 NM_000059 c.7706G>T G2569V Nonsynonymous SNV NM_000059 c.7706G>T G2569V Nonsynonymous SNV 70.72 VUS Consistent

S03872 NM_000059 c.8023A>G I2675V Nonsynonymous SNV NM_000059 c.8023A>G I2675V Nonsynonymous SNV 47.99 Pathologic Consistent

AA, amino acid; NGS, next-generation sequencing; REFSEQ, reference sequence; SNV, single-nucleotide variant; VAF, variant allele frequency; VUS, variant of unknown significance.