Figure 2.
Gene-marker-based cluster annotation identifies effector, regulatory, and memory subsets of peripheral T cells
(A and B) KNetL plot schematic of clusters according to the expression levels of CD8A with a corresponding heatmap showing the expression of selected markers in CD8A clusters (CD45RA in red fonts indicates the CITE-seq-based protein expression) (A) and CD4 clusters (B).
(C) Heatmap-dot plot indicating the association between T cell states and clusters based on the relative signature score variabilities.
(D) Dot plot showing the comparison of T cell states between the cohorts of patients with no irAEs and with irAEs based on the marker gene scores (unpaired t test).
For unpaired comparisons, statistical significance was performed by Student’s t test applying Mann-Whitney test. Data are presented as mean ± SD. p value, exact, two-tailed, the center lines denote the mean of SD. ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001.