Hypothesis-driven tests of brain-behavior associations. Each subplot visualizes estimates and 95% confidence intervals (plotted on y-axis) for univariate models relating 6-month cerebellar–frontoparietal network (FPN) and cerebellar–default mode network (DMN) functional connections (n = 252 per subplot; plotted on x-axis and sorted by magnitude) to 12- and 24-month autism spectrum disorder (ASD)–associated behaviors (n = 8; indicated at top of subplots). The modeling approach (Poisson, negative binomial, or linear regression) is indicated at right, and blue confidence intervals identify significant results (empirical p < .05) prior to false discovery rate correction. Following false discovery rate correction, no significant results remained at false discovery rate–corrected q < .05. ADOS, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; CSBS, Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales; CSS, calibrated severity score; IJA, initiation of joint attention; MSEL, Mullen Scales of Early Learning; RBSR, Repetitive Behavior Scale–Revised; RitSame, ritualistic and sameness; RRB, restricted interest and repetitive behavior; SA, social affect.