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. 2023 Jan 11;10:1047710. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1047710

Table 4.

Parameter estimates from two-part mixed-effects model on inpatient expenditures.

Independent variable First part Second part
Estimate S.E. OR (95%CI) P Estimate S.E. Exp (β) P
Self-medication −0.145 0.028 0.865 (0.818, 0.915) < 0.001 −0.098 0.025 0.906 < 0.001
Age 0.027 0.002 1.027 (1.024, 1.030) < 0.001 0.003 0.001 1.003 0.018
Gender 0.454 0.037 1.574 (1.464, 1.693) < 0.001 0.345 0.031 1.412 < 0.001
Educational status 0.034 0.032 1.035 (0.973, 1.101) 0.281 0.062 0.028 1.064 0.026
Residential area −0.008 0.040 0.992 (0.918, 1.072) 0.838 0.174 0.035 1.190 < 0.001
Marital status −0.001 0.041 0.999 (0.922, 1.082) 0.980 −0.069 0.035 0.933 0.048
Region (Ref: East)
Mid 0.179 0.038 1.196 (1.110, 1.289) < 0.001 −0.321 0.034 0.725 < 0.001
West 0.374 0.037 1.453 (1.351, 1.564) < 0.001 −0.394 0.033 0.674 < 0.001
Self-rated health (Ref: Fair)
Very good −0.665 0.078 0.514 (0.441, 0.599) < 0.001 −0.03 0.079 0.970 0.703
Good −0.401 0.056 0.670 (0.600, 0.748) < 0.001 −0.028 0.056 0.973 0.622
Poor 0.496 0.034 1.642 (1.537, 1.754) < 0.001 0.157 0.03 1.171 < 0.001
Very poor 1.067 0.041 2.908 (2.683, 3.152) < 0.001 0.349 0.034 1.418 < 0.001
Number of chronic diseases 0.271 0.009 1.312 (1.289, 1.335) < 0.001 0.026 0.007 1.026 < 0.001
Per capita household expense 0.269 0.015 1.309 (1.272, 1.347) < 0.001 0.322 0.012 1.379 < 0.001
Medical insurance scheme (Ref: None)
NCMS 0.462 0.067 1.588 (1.393, 1.810) < 0.001 −0.027 0.063 0.974 0.669
UEBMI 0.643 0.079 1.902 (1.631, 2.219) < 0.001 0.312 0.072 1.367 < 0.001
URBMI 0.481 0.093 1.618 (1.347, 1.943) < 0.001 0.106 0.085 1.112 0.208
URRBMI 0.463 0.092 1.589 (1.326, 1.904) < 0.001 0.003 0.083 1.003 0.97
Multiple/other 0.653 0.079 1.922 (1.646, 2.244) < 0.001 0.182 0.072 1.199 0.011
Smoke −0.462 0.039 0.630 (0.584, 0.680) < 0.001 −0.306 0.033 0.736 < 0.001
Drink (Ref: No)
Often −0.423 0.039 0.655 (0.607, 0.707) < 0.001 −0.236 0.034 0.790 < 0.001
Sometimes −0.284 0.054 0.753 (0.678, 0.837) < 0.001 −0.17 0.049 0.844 < 0.001
Year (Ref: 2011)
2013 0.380 0.040 1.462 (1.351, 1.582) < 0.001 0.21 0.036 1.233 < 0.001
2015 0.337 0.039 1.400 (1.296, 1.513) < 0.001 0.263 0.036 1.301 < 0.001
2018 0.569 0.042 1.767 (1.626, 1.919) < 0.001 0.307 0.038 1.359 < 0.001