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. 2023 Jan 11;13:1065335. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.1065335

Table 1.

Characteristics of the population of the AD and BP studies.

References Variablea Designb Kc Regions (N)d Samplee % Ff Ageg SBP/DBPh measure/ mmHg Results Effect size i AMSTARj scores
Effect size (RR) 95 % CI
Lennon et al. (22) SBP L (13–22) 6 EU (2), NA (2), AS (2) AD n = 2,208 47.3 M = 56.87 >140 mmHg > SBP > AD 1.18 1.02–1.35 0.021 10
HC n = 852,683 >160 mmHg > SBP > AD 1.25 1.06–1.47 0.006
>90 mmHg > DBP > ADk
Xu et al. (51) SBP L (1–21) 39 EU (15), NA (20), AS (8), AF (1), AD n = 21,359 50.5 M = 71.8 >140 mmHg > SBP > AD 0.87 0.70–1.0 0.000 10
HC n = 1,421,593
DBP 5 AD n = 743 >90 mmHg > DBP = AD 1.14 0.89–1.39 0.028
HC n = 11,653
Meng et al. (52) SBP L (10) 1 EU (1) AD n = 79 100 M = 45 >140 mmHg >SBP > AD 1.77 0.93–3.37 0.082 10
HC n = 707
Guan et al. (53) SBP L (2–27) 4 EU (2), NA (1), AS (1) AD n = 176 56.3 40–92 >160 mmHg >SBP and DBP =AD 1.01 0.87–1.18 0.850 9
DBP HC n = 7,283 >85 mmHg
Wang et al. (54) SBP T 2 EU (1), NA (1) AD n = 385 39 < 65 >140 mmHg >SBP = AD 1.50 0.56–4.04 0.036 10
HC n = 3,626 >160 mmHg
≥65 >160 mmHg >SBP = AD 1.00 0.79–1.25 0.180
65–75 >160 mmHg >SBP = AD 1.01 0.66–1.53 0.215
75–85 >160 mmHg >SBP > AD 1.07 0.63–1.82 0.052
DBP 2 EU (1), NA (1) AD n = 385 < 65 >90 mmHg 1.70 0.80–3.60
HC n = 3626 ≥65 >90 mmHg >DBP = AD 0.75 0.43–1.32 0.066
65–75 >85 mmHg >DBP = AD 0.71 0.30–1.67 0.616
75–85 >90 mmHg >DBP = AD 0.52 0.32–0.85 0.267

aVariable: SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure.

bDesign: T, cross-sectional; L, longitudinal.

cK: Number of studies.

dRegions: N, number of independent studies; EU, European Union; NA, North America; AS, Asia; AF, Africa.

eSample: AD, participants with Alzheimer's disease; HC, health control participants.

f%F: percentage of women.

gM, mean of age.

h Study outcomes were grouped according to the measurement of hypertension: (1) SBP > 140 mmHg and >160 mmHg, (2) DBP > 85 mmHg and 90 mmHg [reference guides: (36, 37)].

i CI: 95% confidence interval; RR: risk ratio.

j AMSTAR, Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews.

k Given that two studies used odds ratios and the others hazard ratios, the authors could not compute summary estimates.