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. 2023 Jan 10;13:1085139. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.1085139


Significant relationships between the position of the longest intron and gene biological functions based on GSEA.

Absolute position of the longest intron
GO Term/p-value Intron 1 Intron 2 Intron 3 Intron 4 Intron 5 Intron 6 Intron 7 Intron 8 Intron 9
cell death 1.8E-04 1.6E-09 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
programmed cell death 4.0E-04 4.9E-08 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
apoptotic process 5.0E-04 2.2E-07 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
regulation of cell death Ns 2.6E-04 ns ns ns ns ns ns na
regulation of hydrolase activity Ns 8.1E-04 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Relative position of the longest intron
GO Term/p-value (0; .33] (.33; .66] (.66; 1]
reproductive process ns 1.5E-04 ns
Reproduction ns 1.8E-04 ns
DNA duplex unwinding ns 1.3E-02 ns
DNA repair ns ns 1.4E-05
DNA metabolic process ns ns 5.3E-05
cellular response to DNA damage stimulus ns ns 1.2E-04
mitotic rekombination na ns 2.3E-04
telomere maintenance ns ns 2.9E-04
double-strand break repair ns ns 6.0E-04
telomere organization ns ns 2.0E-03
regulation of interleukin-1 production ns ns 1.7E-02
interleukin-1 production ns ns 1.7E-02
telomere maintenance via recombination na na 1.8E-02

na, not available; ns, not significant; GO, gene ontology; GSEA, gene set enrichment analysis.