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. 2023 Jan 10;13:1085139. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.1085139


Representation of the absolute and relative positions of the longest introns in the Study dataset and two additional gene sets.

Study dataset Apoptosis set a DNA repair set a
# genes 1,427 146 113
# genes (≥3 introns) 1,226 126 104
Longest int. abs. position (%)
 I1 42 44 20**
 I2 17 16 12
 I3 10 11 14
 I4 6 10 10
 I5 5 2 6
 >I5 20 17 38**
Longest int. rel. position (%)
 (0;0.33] 64 62 41**
 (.33;0.66] 19 21 30*
 (.66;1] 17 17 29*

abs., absolute; int., intron; rel., relative.


Reactome Pathways Dataset; *, p < .01; **, p < .0001.