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. 2023 Jan 25;21:9. doi: 10.1186/s12969-023-00791-1

Table 5.

Results from factor analyses in the parents. Factor loadings and communalities based on a maximum likelihood estimation with oblimin rotation for 15 items and four factor solution from the modified pain coping questionnaire in parents (mPCQpar) (n = 130) and Eigenvalues, percentages of variance and cumulative percentages for the four factors

Item (used in the study) Item number in final scale Factor 1. Catastrophizing (CATpar) Factor 2.
Distraction (DISpar)
Factor 3.
Seeking social support (SSS par)
Factor 4.
Positive self statement (PSSpar)
Q2. tell a friend how I feel. 1 0.78 0.63
Q3. start doing something. 2 0.59 0.42
Q4. worry that my child’s pain will never stop. 3 0.79 0.64
Q5. talk with someone about how I feel. 4 0.81 0.70
Q6. try to focus on something else than my child’s pain. 5 0.93 0.82
Q8. think all the time how much my child is aching. 6 0.74 0.55
Q10. say to myself that there is nothing to worry about my child. 7 0.57 0.39
Q11. think that nothing will help. 8 0.61 0.39
Q13. explain to myself that soon everything will be all right. 9 0.92 0.84
Q15. try not to think about my child’s pain. 10 0.67 0.47
Q16. think that my child’s pain will never ease off. 11 0.79 0.65
Q17. unburden my feelings to a friend. 12 0.85 0.75
Q18. assure myself that we can overcome anything at all 13 0.54 0.37
Q19. do something that will take my child’s pain out of my mind. 14 0.66 0.51
Q20. worry about my child’s pain almost all the time. 15 0.77 0.59
Eigenvalue 3.66 2.94 2.22 1.43
% of variance 24.38 19.63 14.80 9.55
Cumulative % 24.38 44.00 58.81 68.36
Cronbach alpha 0.86 0.81 0.86 0.69