Association between personal exposure to , , and during pregnancy and lung function parameters measured at 3 y in the univariate and multiple linear models and in the sensitivity analyses. Outcomes and exposures were scaled by their IQR. See Tables S5 and S7 for corresponding numeric data. Whiskers represent the 95% confidence interval around the estimate. The main model was adjusted on child’s height, weight, sex, age, season of sampling, breastfeeding, environmental tobacco smoke, maternal age and BMI before pregnancy, parental level of education, parental history of rhinitis and mean temperature during pregnancy. In addition, “2 sampling periods” are the analyses reduced to the children that had 2 wk of prenatal measurements of air pollution (61% of the population); “Excluding extreme values” are the analyses excluding the exposures and outcomes below the first percentile and above the 99th (exclusion of approx. 5% of the population); “Adjusted on PM” corresponds to adding personal exposure to in the set of confounders; “Adjusted on ” corresponds to adding personal exposure to in the set of confounders. Note: AA, ascorbic acid; AX, area under the reactance curve; BMI, body mass index; DTT, dithiothreitol; IQR, interquartile range; , volume-normalized oxidative potential measured by the AA assay (nmol); , volume-normalized oxidative potential measured by the DTT assay (nmol); PM, particulate matter; , PM with an aerodynamic diameter (); , resistance at a frequency of 7 Hz; , difference between the resistance at 7 Hz and at 19 Hz; , reactance at a frequency of 7 Hz.