Future research guidelines.
Sr. No. | Future research guidelines | Authors |
Cluster 1 | ||
1 | We urge future research to find out VCC precursors through empirical work to explore the conditions in which VCC can materialize. | Marcos-Cuevas et al., 2016 |
2 | How to utilize data collected from other sectors to inspect if ambiguity and role conflicts, power plays, and opportunism are demonstrated as the same? Further longitudinal studies should be conducted to recognize the tapping point when weaker power plays or opportunistic behavior are not tolerated anymore, and can it terminate relationships? | Chowdhury et al., 2016 |
3 | What could be the roles of resources economic and exchange process actors that remain similar in the B2C context? Future studies should study if the structure of interactions in the B2C system is contingent on the service target as in B2B system? | Breidbach and Maglio, 2016 |
4 | In-depth research is needed for institutional theory application and to check out whether institutional structure affects participating organizations or not, and to remove the gap between S-D logic and institutional approach. We also need to study VCC in the services ecosystem, service value system, and service network. | Kohtamäki and Rajala, 2016 |
5 | Who are effective managers, and what are the leadership styles that make them effective? We also urge future researchers to study the role of customers’ engagement intensity in different phases of the solution process. | Petri and Jacob, 2016 |
6 | Further investigations should focus on the contemporary contributions of all stakeholders to the VCC process and their role in B2B2C markets. | Mingione and Leoni, 2020 |
7 | Future research should develop a process model on how platforms foster the standardization of VCC practices and how it emerges. | Hein, 2019 |
8 | Future research should focus on networks where different actors have more congruent goals and aligned interests and explore how and when SBPs result in synergies and enhanced value outcomes between network actors. For future research, an interesting avenue would be to employ longitudinal research setting and explore how different tensions grow and spread over networks and how individual and collective actors try to mitigate or avoid them over time. | Tura et al., 2019 |
Cluster 2 | ||
9 | Future research should focus on gathering data from multiple stakeholders, including multiple informants, on saving and utilizing this data in building case studies to get findings to maximize reliability. | Singaraju et al., 2016 |
10 | We urge future research to find a way to track interactions among resources systematically at times as a service engagement unfolds. | Stucky et al., 2011 |
11 | Future studies should investigate which of the brand-related determinants are unimportant for B2B brand communities? | Bruhn et al., 2014 |
12 | There is a dire need to decrypt more mechanisms underlying the relationship between customer VCC and CSR. Other mediation mechanisms should be considered, especially at the team level, such as team service or customer learning. | Tuan et al., 2019 |
Cluster 3 | ||
13 | The conceptual model’s associations should be explored across various B2B sectors and compare its characteristics, drivers, inhibitors, and relative significance. Research could quantify the outcome of proposed conceptual associations across B2B customer segments that reflect varying strategic important levels for the supplier. | Hollebeek, 2019 |
14 | Researchers should study the effect of actors’ opportunism in B2C and open innovation contexts. Future studies could investigate our finding that value is co-destroyed by multiple actors in different sectors. We also need to understand that alliances succeed despite actors’ motivation to minimize transaction costs, using other theoretical viewpoints like dynamic capability. | Pathak et al., 2020 |
Cluster 4 | ||
15 | As VCC is considered the outcome of tangled constructs, we should explore their potential influence to have a complete picture and understand all involved processes. | Baumann and Le Meunier-FitzHugh, 2015 |
16 | We urge future research to extend our existing proposed framework by examining customer value assessment in the broader set of B2B firms and generalizing customer value assessment theory in B2B markets. | Keränen and Jalkala, 2013 |
17 | Future research should focus on value co-destruction and, therefore, build on Ostrom et al.’s (2015, p. 133) research priorities on services literature: “to understand VCC negative consequences.” Longitudinal studies should be conducted in which companies’ co-creation experiences come from developing strong ties based on trust and mutual commitment over time. | Berenguer-Contrí et al., 2020 |