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. 2023 Jan 11;2:1001131. doi: 10.3389/fbinf.2022.1001131


Tools and software packages related to gRNA design.

Name Main functionality Input Cell type Interface Year Source
SNP-CRISPR Chen et al. (2020) It designs gRNAs for non-reference genomes to support allelic targeting. SNP-CRISPR calculates the gRNA efficiency score for the variant and the References sequences Target genome, variant information including the genome coordinates and sequence changes Human, Mouse, Zebrafish, Fly Web application 2020
AlleleAnalyzer Keough et al. (2019) It designs allele-specific dual gRNAs. It incorporates single-nucleotide variants and short insertions and deletions to design sgRNAs for precisely editing one or multiple haplotypes of a sequenced genome, currently supporting 11 Cas proteins Target genome (with genetic variant information) Human Application 2019
CRISPR-Local Sun et al. (2019) It designs sgRNAs in plants and other organisms that factor in genetic variation and is optimized to generate genome-wide sgRNAs whole-genome sequencing, mRNA sequencing or known variants for specific transgenic receptor lines Plants Application 2018
CRISPR-P Liu et al. (2017)* It helps to design of gRNA. It output: all targetable sites; the details and GC content of each gRNA; the restriction enzyme site in the targeting region; and synthetic DNA oligos; as well as the microhomology score and the secondary structure of sgRNA. The gene locus tag, genomic position, or sequence 49 plant genomes Web user interface 2017
CRISPR FOCUS Cao et al. (2017)* It retrieves all possible gRNA and prioritize them. It also provides a rational and high-throughput approach for sgRNA library design Gene symbols or RefSeq IDs Human or mouse genome Web application 2017
Guide Picker Hough et al. (2017)* It provides rapid guide RNA generation and selection. It retrieves guide sequences with on and off-target sites The genome and the gene name Mouse or human gene Web application (JavaScript) 2017
SgTiler Ahmed and He. (2017)* It generates graphical representation for distribution of sgRNA. It shows four outputs: i) all candidate sgRNAs; ii) list of filtered sgRNAs; iii) list of sgRNA details; and iv) a summary report with important statistics Three input files: i) FASTA file; ii) A file with exon coordinates; and iii) a file of regulatory regions Any selected genome Command line application (Python) 2017
CRISPOR Concordet and Haeussler. (2018) It finds guide RNAs in an input sequence and ranks them according to different scores. It evaluates potential off-targets in the genome of interest and predicts on-target activity A sequence (typically an exon), a genome, and the type of CRISPR nuclease More than 150 genomes Web and standalone command line application 2016
CRISPR-DO Ma et al. (2016) It retrieves information about target sequences, overlaps with exons, putative regulatory sequences and SNPs in the spCas9 CRISPR system sgRNA Human, mouse, zebrafish, fly and worm Web application 2016
Breaking-Cas Oliveros et al. (2016)* It retrieves all sequences, coordinates, scores, and annotation details of every gRNA and off-targets The name of the References organism, the characteristics of the Cas-like nuclease, and the sequence(s) of the intended target genomic All eukaryotic genomes Web application 2016
CT-Finder Zhu et al. (2016) It helps users to design gRNAs optimized for specificity and shows Graphic visualization of on and off-target sites in Cas9n and RFNs DNA sequence, a References genome, the on and off-target PAM sequences, and length of gRNA and seed region Human, mouse, Arabidops Web application 2016
CRISPETa Pulido-Quetglas et al. (2017) It helps to design sgRNAs One or more target regions Human, mouse, zebrafish, Drosophila, melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans Command-line and web application 2016 Server: Source code:
CLD Heigwer et al. (2016)* It helps to design sgRNAs Three files: i) the genome sequence, ii) a parameter (Hwang and Bae, 2021) file, and iii) a gene list All organisms Command line application 2016 htts://
CRISPy-web Blin et al. (2016)* It scans for gRNAs and potential off-targets Target sequence or gene Any microbial genome Web application 2016
EuPaGDT Peng and Tarleton. (2015) It finds all gRNAs. It also scores, and ranks them. Additionally, it assists users in designing single-stranded oligonucleotides for homology-directed repair Sequence or gene Eukaryotic organisms Web application 2015
Spacer Scoring for CRISPR(SSC) Xu et al. (2015)* It predicts SgRNA efficiency DNA sequence Any selected genome Web application 2015
Cas-Designer Park et al. (2015)* It aids researchers in choosing appropriate target sites in a gene of interest. It outputs a list of all possible gRNAs and their potential off-target sites, including bulge-type sites, and also an out-of-frame score for each DNA sequence  Most of genomes (Wang et al. (2019a) Command line interface 2015
CRISPR multitargeter Prykhozhij et al. (2015) It searches input sequences for single-sgRNA and two-sgRNA/Cas9 nickase targeting sgRNA, GC% 12 genomes like zebrafish Web application 2015
CRISPR-ERA Liu et al. (2015)* It designs gRNA. It outputs sgRNAs, on and off target location, and details of them with their E- and S-scores etc. Target gene or genomic site 9 common prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms Web application 2015
CCTop Stemmer et al. (2015)* It identifies and ranks all candidate sgRNA target sites according to their off-target quality and displays full documentation Target genome site 15 common prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms application (python) 2015
CRISPRseek Zhu et al. (2014)* It identifies gRNAs and also scores and ranks them to minimize off-target cleavage Any sequence Any selected genome Command line application ® 2014

*Means the tools are free of charge to access.