Figure 3. Disruption of palmitoylation of DNAJC5 inhibited α-syn secretion.
(A) Inhibition of DNAJC5 palmitoylation by 2-bromopalmitic acid (2-BA) or introduced mutation L115R. Cellular fractionation was performed with HEK293T cells transfected with WT DNAJC5 and treated with 10 μm 2-BA, or transfected with DNAJC5 L115R mutant. C, cytosol; M, membrane; PNS, post-nuclear supernatant; TFR, transferrin receptor. (B) Quantification of the percentage of P-DNAJC5 and NP-DNAJC5 in different conditions as shown in (A). Error bars represent standard deviations of three experiments. (C) α-syn secretion was blocked with 2-BA treatment. HEK293T cells transfected with indicated plasmids were treated with DMSO or 10 μm 2-BA. Media fractions were collected and secretion was evaluated by SDS-PAGE and immunoblot. (D) Palmitoylation of DNAJC5 was blocked in HEK293T cells treated with 2-BA. (E) Quantification of normalized α-syn secretion in HEK293T cells after 2-BA treatment. The quantification was based on immunoblot in (C) and (D). The α-syn secretion was calculated as the amount of α-syn in media divided by the amount in lysate. (F) Quantification of normalized DNAJC5 secretion in HEK293T cells after 2-BA treatment. The quantification was based on immunoblot in (C) and (D). The DNAJC5 secretion was calculated as the amount of DNAJC5 in media divided by the amount in lysate. (G) DNAJC5 L115R mutant reduced α-syn secretion compared with WT DNAJC5. Secretion assay with HEK293T cells transfected with indicated plasmids encoding DNAJC5 variant was performed similar to (C). (H) DNAJC5 L115R was non-palmitoylated in HEK293T cells. (I) Quantification of normalized α-syn secretion in HEK293T cells transfected with DNAJC5 L115R mutant. The quantification was based on immunoblot in (G) and (H). (J) Quantification of normalized DNAJC5 secretion in HEK293T cells transfected with DNAJC5 L115R mutant. The quantification was based on immunoblot in (G) and (H).