Extended Data Fig. 9. Intravenous (IV) infections of mice with S. aureus.
(a): Schematic of IV infections and sample harvesting workflow. TSA counts indicate total S. aureus CFU burden, whereas TSAK counts indicate ΔSAOUHSC_00846 burden. N = 5 mice were used per timepoint (n = 10 total). (b): Raw CFU counts from TSA and TSA + kanamycin (TSAK) plates. In the absence of a competitive defect, the TSAK counts should be 50% of those on the TSA plates (and thus are very close together on the log10-plotted graph). (c): Ratio of ΔSAOUHSC_00846 (KanR) colony-forming units (CFU) to total S. aureus CFU at Day 2 (left) and Day 5 (right) post-infection. The dotted line indicates the mean starting proportion from n = 2 technical replicate plates of the inoculum. Open circles represent the limit of detection (LOD). Note that samples with CFU counts below the LOD were not plotted. b: geometric means. c: means ± SD.