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. 2022 May 5;129(3):535–549. doi: 10.1017/S0007114522001362

Table 9.

Economic cost and cost efficiency of conducting a national-scale 24HR using INDDEX24 and PAPI: Burkina Faso

INDDEX24 PAPI Difference in cost*
Primary activity Subactivities Cost (2019 USD) Percent of activity total Cost (2019 USD) Percent of activity total INDDEX24-PAPI (2019 USD)
Preparation of dietary reference data Develop food and recipe lists and tags/probes 2957 16·4 2957 16·4 0
Prepare food composition table 0 0·0 0 0·0 0
Develop standard recipes density factors 10 518 58·5 10 518 58·5 0
Identify PSEM/conversion factors 2893 16·1 2893 16·1 0
Compile and format dietary reference data 1619 9·0 1619 9·0 0
Subtotal 17 986 17 986 0
Survey preparation Design paper questionnaire for 24HR 0 0·0 963 1·6 –963
Develop data entry form for 24HR 0 0·0 657 1·1 –657
Pilot mobile app/paper questionnaires 6344 7·9 6240 10·6 104
Develop manuals and training materials 175 0·2 893 1·5 –718
Translate forms and training materials 5825 7·2 5772 9·8 53
Print survey instruments/questionnaires 1944 2·4 11 970 20·3 –10 025
Print photo atlas 9528 11·8 9528 16·2 0
Receive ethical approval 2011 2·5 2011 3·4 0
Purchase and prepare supplies and equipment 49 784 61·8 20 821 35·4 28 964
Purchase CommCare subscription 5000 6·2 0 0·0 5000
Subtotal 80 612 58 853 21 758
Training Supervisor training 27 205 24·2 27 205 23·5 0
Enumerator training 85 013 75·8 85 013 73·6 0
Data entry clerk training 0 0·0 3363 2·9 –3363
Subtotal 112 218 115 580 –3363
Survey execution Household listing and sampling of eligible participants 164 107 38·8 164 111 42·8 –4
Incentives 0 0·0 0 0·0 0
Data collection and field supervision 219 466 51·9 219 466 57·2 0
Electronic data monitoring 39 007 9·2 0 0·0 39 007
Subtotal 422 580 383 576 39 003
Data entry Data entry and supervision 0 0·0 57 896 100·0 –57 896
Subtotal 0 57 896 –57 896
Data cleaning, processing and preparation Data cleaning, processing (food matching, gap filling, etc.) and preparation for analysis 49 207 100·0 193 126 100·0 –143 919
Subtotal 49 207 193 126 –143 919
Administration Management and oversight 46 046 38·4 47 100 34·8 –1054
International travel to the field 0 0·0 0 0·0 0
Lodging/per diem for international personnel 0 0·0 0 0·0 0
Overhead 73 736 61·6 88 178 65·2 –14 442
Subtotal 119 783 135 278 –15 496
Totals Prepare dietary reference data 17 986 2·2 17 986 1·9 0
Survey preparation 80 612 10·0 58 853 6·1 21 758
Training 112 218 14·0 115 580 12·0 –3363
Survey execution 422 580 52·7 383 576 39·9 39 003
Data entry 0 0·0 57 896 6·0 –57 896
Data cleaning, processing and preparation 49 207 6·1 193 126 20·1 –143 919
Administration 119 783 14·9 135 278 14·1 –15 496
Grand total 802 385 100·0 962 297 100·0 –159 912
Number of respondents 6500 6500
Total per respondent 123 148 –25

24HR, 24-h dietary recall; INDDEX24, INDDEX24 Dietary Assessment Platform; PAPI, pen-and-paper interview; PSEM, portion size estimation method; USD, US dollars.


The difference is calculated as the cost of INDDEX24 minus the cost of PAPI.