Fig. 2. Panel of different sleep parameters obtained from mMSLTs.
Sleep parameters were obtained in light-OFF sessions for each animal M1 and M2, OFF-stimulation versus ON-stimulation conditions in healthy (white) and parkinsonian (orange) states with low-frequency stimulation (LFS, vertical lines) and high-frequency stimulation (HFS, dots). a Sleep latency, expressed in minutes (mean ± SEM), for each light-OFF session (1) from 10:00 h to 10:20 h, (2) from 11:00 h to 11:20 h, (3) from 12:00 to 12:20 h for healthy (black line) and parkinsonian (orange line) states with LFS (bold dotted line) and HFS (thin dotted line), b Mean time of sleep latency, expressed in minutes (mean ± SEM), for all light-OFF sessions pooled together by condition, p < 0.05 * different from healthy OFF-stimulation; # different from parkinsonian OFF-stimulation: Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparisons test. c Occurrence of at least 30 seconds of sleep during all light-OFF sessions, expressed in %, p < 0.05 ǂ different from OFF-stimulation: Fisher’s exact test. d Mean time of sleep duration, expressed in minutes (mean ± SEM), for all light-OFF sessions pooled together by condition. Note in M1 parkinsonian condition the appearance of small episodes of REM sleep materialized in black on the histogram. p < 0.05 * different from healthy OFF-stimulation; # different from parkinsonian OFF-stimulation: Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparisons test. e Typical 30-s example of EEG and EMG tracings showing cortical desynchronization associated with high muscle tone observed in PPN-LFS condition and, f cortical synchronization associated with low muscle tone observed in PPN-HFS condition.