The Disrupted Homeostasis of Endothelium-Derived Factors in PAH Progression
During pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) development, endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF)/endothelium-derived contracting factor (EDCF) imbalance, platelet aggregation, and leukocyte adhesion all lead to endothelial dysfunction and vasoconstriction. 5-HT = 5-hydroxytryptamine; ADP = adenosine diphosphate; Ang = angiotensin; ATP = adenosine triphosphate; CRTH2 = prostaglandin D2 receptor 2; EET = epoxyeicosatrienoic acid; ET = endothelin; PAEC = pulmonary artery endothelial cell; PASMC = pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell; PG = prostaglandin; TXA2 = thromboxane A2.