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. 2001 Oct;69(10):6419–6426. doi: 10.1128/IAI.69.10.6419-6426.2001


Chemical and enzymatic pretreatments of human endometrial tissue sections

Pretreatment Fluorescence level after addition of:
S-pilins 8, 6, 5, 3a P n supernatantb Control lectinc Control MCP antiserumd
Proteinase K +++
PBS (control) +++ +++ +++
Periodate +++ +++
Na acetate (control) +++ +++
Neuraminidase +++ +++
PBS (control) +++ +++ +++
Neuraminidase + periodate +++ +++
PBS-Na acetate (control) +++ +++ +++

Purified S-pilin at 2 μg/ml was added. +++; high fluorescence; −, low fluorescence. 


Concentrated P n supernatant at 20 μg/ml was added. −, low fluorescence. 


The control for periodate treatment was the Dolichos biforus agglutinin lectin recognizing N-acetyl-α-d-galactosaminyl (α-d-GalNAc). The control for neuraminidase treatment was the lectin from Maakia amurensis recognizing glycoconjugate side chains containing sialic acid α2-3Gal. +++, strong lectin binding; −, no lectin binding detected. 


MCP (CD46) antiserum, followed by FITC-conjugated antibody, was used to detect protein. +++, strong fluorescence; −, weak fluorescence.