Figure 1.
Mechanisms of protection against SIV infections include homeostatic regulation of immune cell populations through target cell restriction by downregulation of CD4 or CCR5 in T-cells (green frame) and NK cell colocalization in secondary lymphoid tissues, expansion and enhanced MHC-E restricted activity (blue frame), preservation of mucosal immunity, and thus prevention of microbial translocation, immune system stimulation and chronic immune activation. Inflammation is undergirded by highly effective non-inflammatory wound healing in the intestinal mucosa, the anti-viral content of epithelial microvesicles in the gut, and a potential anti-inflammatory role of NKG2a/c+CD8+ T cells in the gut, while the role of the intestinal microbiome remains unclear (red frame), and systemic anti-inflammatory mechanisms control the expression of interferon-stimulated genes after the acute phase (yellow).