(a) Cyclic voltammogram measuring 1.5 × 10–3 M hydrazine with phosphate buffer at pH 7 and pH 10 obtained with
ErGO/PEDOT:PSS/GCE; (b) cyclic voltammogram at a scan rate of 100
mV s–1 of 0.1 M pH 7 phosphate buffer and 1.5 ×
10–3 M hydrazine in 0.1 M phosphate buffer at pH
7, measured using bare GCE and ErGO/PEDOT:PSS/GCE; (c) schematic illustration
of the interaction between electrochemically reduced graphene oxide
(ErGO) with PEDOT:PSS and (d) of the interaction between the hydrazinium
cation with the ErGO/PEDOT:PSS composite on the surface of glassy
carbon electrode (GCE); (e) mechanism of hydrazine oxidation at the
surface of ErGO/PEDOT:PSS/GCE, (f) Nyquist plot obtained for three
different electrodes (bare GCE, GO/PEDOT/GCE, and ErGO/PEDOT:PSS/GCE)
for measuring 1 mM K3[Fe(CN)6] in 0.1 M KCl
solution at a frequency range from 1 × 106 to 5 ×
103 Hz, Edc = 0 V, Eac = 10 mV at an open circuit potential.